Business & Sustainability Report - Fiscal 2023

Choosing responsible growth

Choosing responsible growth

Anchored in the Group’s DNA since its creation in 1966, corporate responsibility is a cornerstone of Sodexo’s mission and operations. Particularly innovative at the time, this vision and the associated commitments progressed as the Company developed and the collective challenges grew. The key issues identified through the latest materiality assessment carried out by the Group and developed in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) confirm the consistency with the commitments of Sodexo’s “Better Tomorrow 2025” roadmap as an employer, service provider and responsible company.

Facing the climate emergency, an ambitious and global project

For Sodexo, choosing responsible growth means continuing to act daily to serve its clients and consumers, in a way that is safer, healthier and more respectful of the environment. Sodexo is, therefore, the first food services company to commit to reaching Net Zero by 2040 globally (scopes 1, 2 and 3), confirming its leadership in its sector when it comes to fighting climate change.

In 2009, Sodexo was the first company in its sector to implement a corporate responsibility roadmap. Since 2010,

the Group has been working with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to understand, measure and reduce its global carbon footprint, in collaboration with its clients and suppliers. In 2019, Sodexo was also one of the first major groups with an objective of reducing its direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) by -34% by 2025 compared to 2017, approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and in line with the 1.5°C trajectory Paris Agreement.

Having a positive impact has always been a priority for Sodexo and today it

aims to go even further. To reduce its carbon emissions, Sodexo is undertaking a gradual and structural transformation of its operations, impacting its entire value chain. The challenges to be met are many and will involve all stakeholders.

Sodexo has therefore identified four priority levers to reduce its emissions by 90% by 2040 across its entire value chain, from farm to fork.

Our four levers to reduce carbon emissions

The Group takes responsibility for promoting sustainable farming practices and supporting its suppliers’ efforts to reduce their carbon emissions, in particular by setting up a global deforestation and conversion free supply chain by 2030 and by continuing to give priority to the development of local sourcing and short supply chain.


Sodexo has developed a “low-carbon” meal definition as one whose production generates 0.9 kg CO2e or less. Based on this definition and on the expertise and passion of its chefs, Sodexo is designing new recipes to ensure that 70% of its main dishes can be labelled “low-carbon” by 2030.


Sodexo’s efforts to reduce emissions generated by its operations have a direct impact on its clients’ emissions. Sodexo will increase its efforts to reduce energy use at all of its client sites, through less energy-intensive preparation methods, training in these issues for all site managers by 2027 and achieving the target of 100% renewable electricity in its direct operations by 2025.


To reduce food waste, Sodexo is intensifying its efforts by expanding the deployment of its WasteWatch program to 85% of its sites by 2025 and, in order to mobilize international institutions, governments and businesses more widely, by maintaining its involvement as a founding member of the International Food Waste Coalition (IFWC) and as a member of the Champions 12.3 coalition.