Business & Sustainability Report - Fiscal 2023


A structurally virtuous business model

Consisting of pre-paid solutions used by consumers at affiliate merchants, Pluxee’s B2B2C business model creates value for all stakeholders by operating a highly cash generative business model, in which its main revenue streams are client commissions, affiliate merchant commissions and interest on the Float.

This diagram shows a structurally virtuous business model.


Cash in circulation (‘float’): Pluxee loads Clients’ employees digital wallet/card.

Revenue stream:

  • Client commissions
  • Merchant commissions
  • Interest income on float

HR clients

Cash in circulation (‘float’): Clients provide employee consumers with digital wallet/card.

Revenue stream:

  • Client commissions
  • Interest income on float

Employee consumers

Cash in circulation (‘float’): Consumers spend with digital wallet/card at affiliated merchants.

Revenue stream: 

  • Interest income on float


Cash in circulation (‘float’):  Pluxee reimburses merchants net of commission.

Revenue stream:

  • Merchant commissions
  • Interest income on float

A robust strategic roadmap to accelerate profitable growth

Pluxee is executing its strategic plan to leverage its core assets and competitive advantages while accelerating the development of its solutions to better address the underpenetrated market potential.

This ambitious plan is based on the following key pillars:

  1. reinforcing leadership in the meal and food benefits market;
  2. augmenting its offerings with a wider range of employee benefits as well as reward, recognition and engagement solutions.

Pluxee plans to implement this profitable growth strategy underpinned by key enablers including:

  • Tech & Data: enabling top line growth, fast time-to-market and the development of advanced digital products supported by its IT infrastructure and utilizing tech and data to improve operational efficiency;
  • Competencies: continuing to invest in its talents, particularly those that have critical product, tech and data competencies, in order to improve customers’ digital experience, leveraging its new employer brand and employee value proposition;
  • M&A: reinforcing strong market presence and enriching its product offering and tech capabilities.
Embed CSR into all initiatives

Pluxee aims to conduct its business as a trusted partner to all stakeholders and embed business integrity and transparency into its governance and operations. As part of its commitment to create a positive impact, Pluxee has defined CSR strategies and targets for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2025, focused on:

  • engaging with suppliers that have signed the Code of conduct;
  • promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace, with a particular focus on women reaching management positions;
  • directing business volume specifically toward SME merchants.
  • constructing an ambitious plan to reach Net Zero emissions by 2035, which has been submitted to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in March 2023 with the objective to reduce by no later than 2035 Pluxee’s direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3) by 90% compared to the 2017 baseline.