Business & Sustainability Report - Fiscal 2023

Contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

All Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments are aligned with the recommendations of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs were launched in 2015. They set worldwide goals in 17 key areas that governments, corporations and society must take into account in order to make the world a more equitable, fair and sustainable place by 2030.

5 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that are a priority for Sodexo

  • 76.4 millionStop Hunger beneficiaries since 2015Zero hunger
  • 89.0%of consumers are offered healthy lifestyle options

    Good health and well-being

  • 70.5%of Sodexo's employees work in countries have gender balance in their management populations

    Gender equality

  • – 37.6%of food waste reduction in sites having already deployed the Program

    Responsible consumption and production

  • – 5.4%absolute Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions reduction compared to Fiscal 2022

    Climate action


Since 2012, Sodexo has been committed to the social responsibility initiative of the United Nations Global Compact and its 10 principles around Human rights, labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.