Business & Sustainability Report - Fiscal 2023

Sodexo Net Zero ambition

Sodexo Net Zer ambition

Anchored in the Group’s DNA since its creation in 1966, corporate responsibility is a cornerstone of Sodexo’s mission and operations. Standards, methods and tools to measure carbon emissions are improving and becoming more precise year after year. Committed to rigorous performance tracking, Sodexo communicates its performance in terms of carbon emissions and the progress of its transformation annually. Sodexo’s Climate ambition is to reach Net Zero by 2040, which implies an average -4.2% annual carbon emissions reduction. This is a theoretical indication because the Sodexo reduction trajectory will not be a linear one.

Sodexo Carbon Footprint:

SCOPE 1 & 2

1% of total emissions

Scope 1 and 2 pertain to the Company’s direct emissions and indirect emissions linked to the production of the energy used by the Company.



99% of total emissions

Scope 3 includes indirect emissions from the value chain: upstream and downstream of Sodexo’s activity. It includes the emissions of the various stakeholders (suppliers, consumers, service providers, etc.).

1- This diagram shows the Scope 1 and 2 pertain to the Company’s direct emissions and indirect emissions linked to the production of the energy used by the Company.

1% of total emissions

Car fleet (Scope 1): 71.3%

Fuels for buildings usage (Scope 1): 15.0%

Electricity & district heat (Scope 2): 13.7%

2- This diagram shows the Scope 3 includes indirect emissions from the value chain: upstream and downstream of Sodexo’s activity. It includes the emissions of the various stakeholders (suppliers, consumers, service providers, etc.).

99% of total emissions

Energy consumption (upstream): 0.2%

Business travel (plane and rail): 0.4%

Employee commuting: 4.7%

Waste generated by Sodexo services on client sites: 2.9%

Client sites energy consumption (downstream): 35.8%

Supply chain: 56.1%

Achievements in Fiscal 2023
  • 100% of certified sustainable palm oil
  • 81.3% of spend on sustainable fish and seafood
  • 85.1% of spend on certified sustainable hygiene paper
  • 92% of spend on sustainable office paper
  • 71.5% of cage free liquid eggs
  • 22.9% plant-based main dish recipes in Sodexo's menus
  • 6,187 dietitians employed by Sodexo
  • 55% renewable electricity in our direct operations
  • 17.4% of on-site management and senior leaders trained on sustainable practices
Food Waste
  • 57% of food sites deployed WasteWatch (based on Raw Material Cost)
  • 37.6% of food waste reduction in sites having already deployed the WasteWatch Program