Born February 13, 1967
French nationality
Graduate of the École supérieure de commerce de Paris (ESCP Europe); degree in accounting and finance (DESCF)
First appointed:
January 26, 2016
Expiration of current term: at the Annual Shareholders Meeting held to adopt the financial statements for Fiscal 2021

Member of the Audit Committee.

Number of Sodexo shares held: 400

Business address:
255, quai de la Bataille-de-Stalingrad 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)

Main role: Directeur Financier de Philip Morris International


Emmanuel Babeau began his career at Arthur Andersen in late 1990. In 1993, he joined the Pernod Ricard group as Internal Auditor and was appointed Head of Internal Audit, Corporate Treasury and Consolidation in 1996. He subsequently held several executive positions at Pernod Ricard, notably outside France, before becoming Vice President, Development in 2001. In June 2003, he was appointed Chief Financial Officer and in 2006 he was named Deputy Managing Director of Finance.

He joined Schneider Electric in 2009 as Executive Vice President, Finance and a member of the Management Board. In 2013 he became Deputy Chief Executive Officer in charge of Finance and Legal Affairs. On May 1, 2020, he joined Philip Morris International* as Chief Financial Officer.

Other positions and corporate offices held

Companies linked to Sodexo



Companies not linked to Sodexo


  • Managing partner: SCI GETIJJ


Other positions and corporate offices held within the past five years but no longer held
  • Vice Chairman and member of the Board of Directors: Aveva Group plc* ** (UK) (Term ended: April 2020)
  • Deputy Chief Executive Officer: Schneider Electric SE* (France) (Term ended: April 2020)
  • Member of the Board of Directors: Invensys Ltd.** (UK) (Term ended: July 2018); Schneider Electric Industries SAS** (France);
    Schneider Electric USA Inc.** (USA); Schneider Electric (China) Co., Ltd.** (China); Samos Acquisition Company Ltd.** (UK);
    Schneider Electric Holdings Inc.** (USA); Carros Sensors Topco (formerly InnoVista Sensors Topco Ltd)** (UK); AO Schneider Electric (Russia) (Terms ended: April 2020) ; Sanofi * (France) (Term ended: May 2020)
  • Member of the Supervisory Board: InnoVista Sensors SAS** (France) (Term ended: January 2018); Aster Capital Partners SAS** (France); Schneider Electric Energy Access** (representing Schneider Electric Industries SAS) (Terms ended: April 2020)

* Listed company.
** Schneider Electric group company.

322 pages