7. Ordinary annual shareholders meeting of january 12, 2021
7.1 Agenda
- Adoption of the individual company Financial statements for Fiscal 2020.
- Adoption of the consolidated financial statements for Fiscal 2020.
- Appropriation of net income for Fiscal 2020 .
- Reappointment of Sophie Bellon as a director for a three-year term.
- Reappointment of Nathalie Bellon-Szabo as a director for a three-year term.
- Reappointment of Françoise Brougher as a director for a three-year term.
- Appointment of Federico J. González Tejera as a new director for a three-year term .
- Reappointment of KPMG S.A. as Statutory Auditor
- Approval of the information related to compensation paid during or awarded for Fiscal 2020 to Corporate Officer s, as referred to in article L.225-37-3 I of the French Commercial Code.
- Approval of the components of compensation paid during or awarded for Fiscal 2020 to Sophie Bellon, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors.
- Approval of the components of compensation paid during or awarded for Fiscal 2020 to Denis Machuel, Chief Executive Officer.
- Approval of the compensation policy applicable to directors.
- Approval of the principles and criteria used to determine, allocate and award the components of the compensation and benefits payable to the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors.
- Approval of the principles and criteria used to determine, allocate and award the components of the compensation and benefits payable to the Chief Executive Officer.
- Authorization for the Board of Directors to purchase shares of the Company.
- Powers to carry out formalities.