Fiscal 2021 Universal Registration Document

4. Consolidated financial statements

The Company does not have the ability to account for these multiemployer plans as defined benefit plans because it does not have timely access to information about plan assets, plan obligations, actuarial gains and losses, service costs, and interest costs. As such, the multiemployer plans are accounted for as defined contribution plans.

The Company contributed 12 million euro to U.S. multiemployer defined benefit plans in Fiscal 2021 and 8 million euro in Fiscal 2020. Of the contributions made by the Company, 34% and 14% were made to plans considered to be in “critical” status or “endangered” status, respectively, as defined by the U.S. Pension Protection Act of 2006 and per each plan’s most-recent notice of plan funding status. Plans are generally considered to be in “critical” status when they are funded at less than 65%, among other factors, and are considered to be “endangered” when they are funded at 65% or more, but at less than 80%, among other factors. OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS

Other employee benefits, for an amount of 186 million euro as of August 31, 2021 (150 million euro as of August 31, 2020 ), mainly comprise a liability related to a deferred compensation program in the United States and obligations relating to long-service awards.

The total expense recognized with respect to these benefits in Fiscal 2021 was 6 million euro (16 million euro in Fiscal 2020 ).

5.2 Share-based payments

Some Group employees receive compensation in the form of share-based payments, for which payment is made in equity instruments.

The services compensated by these plans are recognized as an expense, with the offset recognized in shareholders’ equity, over the vesting period. The amount of expense recognized in each period is determined by reference to the fair value of the equity instruments granted, as of the grant date.

The fair value of restricted shares is estimated at the date of grant based on the share price at that date aft er deductions for dividends on the shares that will not be paid to beneficiaries during the vesting period. The fair value of restricted shares subject to a performance condition based on Total Shareholder Return is estimated using a binomial model that takes into account the vesting conditions.

Each year, Sodexo reassesses the number of shares that is likely to be delivered to beneficiaries of restricted shares based on the applicable vesting conditions. The impact of any change in estimates is recognized in the income statement, with the offset recognized in shareholders’ equity.

5.2.1 Restricted share plans

Rules governing restricted share plans are as follows:

  • shares vest only if the beneficiary is still working for the Group on the vesting date; in addition, some free share grants are subject to performance conditions;
  • for the shares awarded from 2017 to 2019, the vesting period for all beneficiaries is four years, with no subsequent lock-up period. In addition, beneficiaries must still be working for the Group on the vesting date in order for the shares to vest;
  • for the shares awarded in 2020, the vesting period for all beneficiaries is thirty-eight months, with no subsequent lock-up period. In addition, beneficiaries must still be working for the Group on the vesting date in order for the shares to vest;
  • until 2018, the proportion of shares subject to a performance condition ranges from 0% to 80% (depending on the total number of shares awarded), except for the shares granted to the Group Chief Executive Officer which consist solely of performance shares;
  • since 2019, all shares granted to the members of the Group Executive Committee are performance shares;
  • in 2020, due to the health crisis, 80% of shares granted to the Group Executive Committee are subject to a performance condition except for the shares granted to the Group Chief Executive Officer which consist solely of performance shares.

The performance conditions other than those related to stock market performance (“non-market performance conditions”) were as follows:

  • for the shares awarded from 2017 to 2019, the non-market performance condition is based on annual growth in consolidated underlying operating profit (before exceptional items and excluding currency effects) over a four-year period and over a three-year period for the 2020 plan. For the 2018 plan, a portion of the shares is also subject to the achievement of Corporate Responsibility objectives. Since 2019, a condition based on organic growth has been added.