Fiscal 2021 Universal Registration Document

4. Consolidated financial statements

12.4.2 Bond issues
  • On April 16, 2021, Sodexo, Inc., U.S. subsidiary of Sodexo S.A., completed a bond issue of 1.25 billion U.S. dollars structured in two tranches:
  • 500 million U.S. dollars redeemable at par value in April 2026 and bearing interest at an annual rate of 1.634%, with interest payable semi-annually on April and October 16;
  • 750 million U.S. dollars redeemable at par value in April 2031 and bearing interest at an annual rate of 2.718%, with interest payable semi-annually on April and October 16;
  • 375 million (or 50%) of the 750 million U.S. dollars bond due in April 2031 was converted at the time of issuance from fixed to floating rate using interest rate swaps. The interest rate applicable on these floating interest rate swaps at August 31, 2021 was 1.29%.

Accrued interest on these bonds amounted to 9 million euro as of August 31, 2021

On July 17, 2020, Sodexo S.A. issued a bond structured in two tranches:

  • 500 million euro tranche redeemable at par value on January 17, 2024 and bearing interest at an annual rate of 0.5%, with interest payable annually on January 17;
  • 500 million euro tranche redeemable at par value on July 17, 2028 and bearing interest at an annual rate of 1.0%, with interest payable annually on July 17.

Accrued interest on these bonds amounted to 2 million euro as of August 31, 2021 

On April 27, 2020, Sodexo S.A. issued a bond structured in two tranches:

  • 700 million euro tranche redeemable at par value on April 27, 2025 and bearing interest at an annual rate of 0.75%, with interest payable annually on April 27;
  • 800 million euro tranche redeemable at par value on April 27, 2029 and bearing interest at an annual rate of 1.0%, with interest payable annually on April 27.

Accrued interest on these bonds amounted to 5 million euro as of August 31, 2021

On June 26, 2019, Sodexo S.A. issued bonds for 250 million pounds Sterling redeemable in June 2028 and bearing interest at an annual rate of 1.75%, with interest payable annually on June 26. Accrued interests on this bond amounted to 1 million euro as of August 31, 2021 

On May 22, 2018, Sodexo S.A. issued bonds for 300 million euro redeemable in May 2025 and bearing interest at an annual rate of 1.125%, with interest payable annually on May 22. Accrued interests on this bond amounted to 1 million euro as of August 31, 2021.

On October 14, 2016 Sodexo S.A. issued bonds for 600 million euro redeemable in April 2027 and bearing interest at an annual rate of 0.75%, with interest payable annually on April 14. On August 1, 2017, the Company increased this issue with an additional 200 million euro of bonds. Accrued interests on these bonds amounted to 2 million euro as of August 31, 2021.

On June 24, 2014, Sodexo S.A. completed a bond issue structured in two tranches:

  • a 600 million euro tranche redeemable at par value on January 24, 2022 and bearing interest at an annual rate of 1.75%, with interest payable annually on January 24;
  • a 500 million euro tranche redeemable at par value on June 24, 2026 and bearing interest at an annual rate of 2.50%, with interest payable annually on June 24.

Accrued interests on these bonds amounted to 9 million euro as of August 31, 2021 

None of the above-described bonds are subject to financial covenant.

12.4.3 Other borrowings CREDIT FACILITIES
July 2011 multicurrency confirmed credit facility

On July 18, 2011, Sodexo S.A. contracted a multicurrency credit facility for a maximum of 600 million euro plus 800 million U.S. dollars, with an original maturity date of July 18, 2016. This facility has been amended on a number of occasions with the most recent amendment being in July 2019 with a new maturity date of July 2024, with two options to extend the maturity by one year each, up to July 2026. The first option to extend this facility was executed during Fiscal 2020 and the second was executed during Fiscal 2021. The facility maturity date is now July 2026. The maximum available limits under this facility now are 589 million euro plus 785 million U.S. dollars.

The most recent amendment also incorporates a sustainability clause that links the credit facility cost to Sodexo’s ability to comply with its public commitment to reduce its food waste by 50% by 2025.

Amounts drawn on this facility carry floating interest indexed on the LIBOR and EURIBOR rates. This credit facility is not subject to any covenant.

No amounts had been drawn down on the facility as of either August 31, 2021 nor as of August 31, 2020 .

Concerning the benchmark rate reform, the Group is finalizing the discussions with their counterparts to negotiate the change of the rates, which include essentially this multilateral credit facility.

Bilateral confirmed credit facility

On May 20, 2020, the Group obtained a further two bilateral facilities totaling 250 million euro. One facility is a 150 million euro facility and has matured on May 2021 and the second facility is a 100 million euro facility that has matured in September 2021 following the execution of the option to extend the facility for a further 8 months in January 2021.

On February 13, 2020, the Group obtained a third 150 million euro bilateral confirmed credit facility expiring in February 2024.

On December 18, 2019, the Group obtained two 150 million euro bilateral confirmed credit facility, both are due to expire in December 2023.

No amounts had been drawn down on any of these facilities as of August 31, 2021.


Borrowings under the Sodexo S.A. and Sodexo Finance commercial paper programs are nil either as of August 31, 2021nor of August 31, 2020 U.S. PRIVATE PLACEMENTS

During Fiscal 2020, Sodexo S.A. and Sodexo, Inc. reimbursed the outstanding nominal amount of loans taken out between 2011 and 2018 from U.S. investors (1,557 million U.S. dollars). In accordance with the terms of the USPP loans, this repayment resulted in the payment of an indemnity of 168 million U.S. dollars (150 million euro).