Risks relating to the commercial and contractual model and the scope of services included in a client contract.
Risk Timeframe: Long-term Category:
Category: Client & Consumer Centric
Some of Sodexo’s client contracts are long-term and may run between five and ten years. This is particularly relevant for the Business & Administrations segment.
Inaccurate pricing assumptions, a lack of definition or detail in the scope of services and inadequate contractual clauses during a bid proposal can lead to low margins or even losses on the contract, either in the startup phase or at a later date. In particular, new types of services such as on-site health checks and wellness services need to be appropriately charged and contractually documented, and meet all local medical and data protection regulations.
Sodexo faces both established competitors and new digital entrants at the local, national and international levels: risk of market share loss and loss of growth momentum.
Risk Timeframe: Long-term
Category: Client & Consumer Centric
Losing ground to competitors reflects a lack of understanding of the evolution of client needs and entails a lack of growth in revenues and lower profitability.