Fiscal 2021 Universal Registration Document

8.1 Agenda

8. Combined annual shareholders’ meeting of december 14, 2021

8.1 Agenda
Ordinary business

1. Adoption of the individual company financial statements for Fiscal 2021.

2. Adoption of the consolidated financial statements for Fiscal 2021.

3. Appropriation of net income for Fiscal 2021; determination of the dividend amount and payment date.

4. Approval of a related-party agreement for the provision of services by Bellon SA to Sodexo.

5. Reappointment of François-Xavier Bellon as a director for a three-year term.

6. Appointment of Jean-Baptiste Chasseloup de Chatillon as a new director for a three-year term.

7. Approval of the information related to the compensation of Corporate Officers and directors, as referred to in article L.22-10-9 I of the French Commercial Code.

8. Approval of the components of compensation paid during or awarded for Fiscal 2021 to Sophie Bellon, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors.

9. Approval of the components of compensation paid during or awarded for Fiscal 2021 to Denis Machuel, Chief Executive Officer.

10. Determination of the total annual envelope for directors’ compensation.

11. Approval of the compensation policy applicable to the directors.

12. Approval of the compensation policy applicable to the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors.

13. Approval of the compensation policy applicable to the Chief Executive Officer.

14. Approval of the components of compensation paid during or awarded for Fiscal 2022 to Denis Machuel, Chief Executive Officer until September 30, 2021.

15. Authorization for the Board of Directors to purchase shares of the Company.

Extraordinary business

16. Authorization for the Board of Directors to reduce the Company's share capital by canceling treasury shares.

17. Delegation of powers to the Board of Directors to increase the Company's share capital by issuing ordinary shares and/or other securities carrying immediate or deferred rights to the Company's capital, with preferential subscription rights for shareholders.

18. Delegation of powers to the Board of Directors to increase the Company's share capital by capitalizing premiums, reserves or profit.

19. Delegation of powers for the Board of Directors to increase the Company’s share capital by issuing ordinary shares and/ or securities carrying immediate or deferred rights to the Company's capital, with such issue(s) reserved for members of employee share purchase plans, without preferential rights for existing shareholders.

20. Authorization to the Board of Directors to grant existing and/or newly issued restrictedshares of the Company to all or certain employees and/or Corporate Officers of the Group.

21. Powers to carry out formalities.