Fiscal 2021 Universal Registration Document

8. Combined annual shareholders’ meeting of december 14, 2021

  • 5. resolves that in addition to the shares and/or other securities offered for purchase in cash, the Board of Directors may replace all or part of any discount and/or employer contribution by granting to the above mentioned beneficiaries, free of consideration, existing or newly issued shares and/or securities carrying rights to the Company’s capital. However, the benefit resulting from this grant may not exceed the legal or regulatory limits applicable under articles L.3332-21 et seq. of the French Labor Code;
  • 6. resolves to waive, in favor of the above mentioned beneficiaries, the preferential rights of shareholders to subscribe for (i) the shares or other securities carrying rights to the Company’s capital issued under this delegation of powers, and (ii) the shares to which the holders of securities carrying rights to the Company’s capital will be entitled on exercise of those rights;
  • 7. authorizes the Board of Directors, under the conditions set out in this delegation of powers, to sell shares to the above mentioned beneficiaries as provided for in article L.3332-24 of the French Labor Code, it being stipulated that the nominal amount of shares sold at a discount to members of one or several employee share purchase plans referred to above will be deducted from the ceilings referred to in paragraph 3 above;
  • 8. resolves that the Board of Directors or its duly appointed representative will have full powers to implement this resolution, and in particular to establish, in accordance with legal requirements, the list of companies in which the abovementioned beneficiaries will be able to subscribe for the shares and/or other securities issued and to benefit from any shares or other securities granted free of consideration, to set the terms and conditions of the transactions, and to determine the dates and procedures for the issues to be carried out under this delegation, to determine the opening and closing dates for subscriptions, the entitlement dates (which may be retroactive) and the procedures for the payment of shares, to grant extensions to the period for payment of shares, to apply to list the shares thus created on the stock exchanges of its choice, to record the completion of the capital increases based on the value of the shares actually purchased, to complete, directly or through its appointed agents, all transactions and formalities pertaining to the capital increases, including subsequent amendments to the bylaws, and, at its sole discretion, if it deems fit, to charge the costs arising on the capital increases against the related premiums, and to transfer from this amount the requisite sums to increase the legal reserve to one-tenth of the new capital resulting from the capital increases;
  • 9. acknowledges that if the Board of Directors uses the powers given to it herein, it will report on this utilization to the next Ordinary Shareholders Meeting, as required under the applicable laws and regulations.
Twentieth resolution


Having considered the Board of Directors’ Report and the Statutory Auditors’ Special Report, the Shareholders Meeting, acting under the rules of quorum and majority applicable to Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting:

  • 1. .authorizes the Board of Directors, in application of articles L.225-197-1 and L.22-10-59 et seq. of the French Commercial Code or any duly authorized representative of the Board to grant, on one or more occasions, existing and/or newly issued shares of the Company, free of consideration, to all or selected categories of employees and/or Corporate Officers of the Company and/or of companies or groupings affiliated to it under the conditions provided for in article L.225-197-2 of the French Commercial Code;
  • 2. sets the duration of this authorization at thirty-eight (38) months from the date of this meeting;
  • 3. resolves that the number of existing and/or newly issued shares granted pursuant to this authorization may not exceed 2.5% of the issued capital as of the date of the decision made by the Board of Directors and 1.5% of the share capital during a single fiscal year, before taking into account any adjustments made to protect beneficiaries’ rights;
  • 4. resolves that existing and/or newly issued shares may, under the conditions imposed by law, be granted to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, provided that (i) these shares do not represent more than 5% of the total share grants made during each fiscal year by the Board of Directors and (ii) their vesting is subject to the Chief Executive Officer remaining with the Group throughout the vesting period and, except in the event of an external recruitment to compensate for any loss of previous remuneration or benefits, to the achievement of several performance conditions determined by the Board of Directors. The number of shares granted to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company that must be held in registered form for as long as he remains in office will be set by the Board of Directors;
  • 5. resolves that (i) the shares granted will vest at the end of a vesting period that will be determined by the Board of Directors but may not be shorter than that stipulated in the French Commercial Code at the date of the Board of Directors’ decision, (ii) the beneficiaries will be required to retain their shares during a lock-up period that will be determined by the Board of Directors, and (iii) the combined duration of the vesting period and lock-up period may not be shorter than that stipulated in the French Commercial Code at the date of the Board of Directors’ decision. However, if the vesting period for all or some of the restricted shares is at least two (2) years, the Shareholders Meeting authorizes the Board of Directors not to impose a lock-up period for the shares concerned. The Board of Directors will be authorized to set different vesting and lock-up periods according to the existing laws in the countries of residence of the beneficiaries;