Fiscal 2021 Universal Registration Document

1. Integrated Report

Arnaud Gauffier,
Conservation Director, WWF France

By engaging the Group in 2019 to align its climate ambition with the 1.5 °C target of the Paris Agreement, Sodexo has shown leadership at the global level as one of the first companies to propose such a level of mitigation. This commitment by one of the biggest catering, hospitality and food retail services groups demonstrates its sense of responsibility to tackle its carbon footprint. Sodexo must keep engaging all teams on the implementation of this target, through a robust carbon reduction plan, as well as adapted decisions and means.

Fighting deforestation

Since it is the major cause of climate change and biodiversity loss, Sodexo has committed to eliminating deforestation from its supply chain by 2030. In partnership with the WWF, the Group is improving its procurement by increasing the percentage of products certified deforestation-free and focusing its efforts on those with the greatest impact, namely beef, soy, palm oil and paper. Sodexo has signed the WWF’s public statement to the European Commission for “new regulations on all raw materials” aimed at halting deforestation and supporting transparency throughout all supply chains. The statement’s signatories also recommend changes to the existing regulations, which should also cover products that present a risk of converting and damaging natural ecosystems.

Sodexo leads change for better efficiency from resources

Sodexo has set strict rules in terms of monitoring the origin of each product it uses and continually evaluating the commitment of its suppliers. To reach its goals, the Group is focusing on local supply chains, promoting plant-based foods, fighting food waste and ensuring that products, especially paper, are recycled. Going beyond the European legislation on single-use plastic, Sodexo has opted to eliminate plastic take-out bags, straws, plates, cutlery and coffee stirrers, replacing them with new and more sustainable versions made of paper, cardboard, wood or fiber, and is studying sustainable alternatives to other plastic items used at its Foodservice sites in Europe.






Climate strategy and energy solutions

By committing to using 100% renewable electricity in its operations at its self-operated sites by 2025, Sodexo joins RE100, a global initiative bringing together some of the world’s most infl uential businesses that have committed to leading the transition to 100% renewable electricity. This move is part of the Group’s climate strategy aimed at reducing its carbon emissions by 34% by 2025.

Working together to fight food waste

To effectively fight food waste and have a decisively positive impact, a concerted effort is needed from all players in the food chain. Sodexo is proud to combine its strengths and expertise with those of other member companies of the International Food Waste Coalition (IFWC) as part of a collaborative “from field to fork” approach aimed at fighting food waste. Sodexo is also continuing the roll-out of its WasteWatch program. As of August 31, 2021, nearly 900 of its sites were involved, reducing food waste by an average of 45.8%. The Group is launching more and more initiatives, both international, such as WasteLESS Week, and local, like Wasteful to Tasteful at 200 sites in the United Kingdom.