In Fiscal 2021, we continue to disclose our Corporate Responsibility related information and data in our Integrated Report (chapter 1) and chapter 2 of the present report.
As part of the Integrated Report we have presented our Value Creation Model, our Materiality Matrix and our Corporate Responsibility Roadmap Better Tomorrow 2025. These three elements are linked and interdependent.
Chapter 2 presents our 9 Better Tomorrow 2025 commitments, the highlights of Fiscal 2021 and our key performance indicators as well as their progress compared to the previous year.
Sodexo’s Corporate Responsibility strategy requires that workforce and environmental performance be measured with clear indicators. These indicators take into consideration the decentralized and primarily client site-based nature of Sodexo’s operations and were selected to meet the following reporting objectives:
In addition, Sodexo’s indicators:
As part of its progressive journey, Sodexo has added some additional indicators this year and will continue to do so (see List of indicators).
Indicators generally include all entities which are fully consolidated for financial reporting purposes, with the following exceptions:
Additional restrictions may be applicable and are specified in the “Limits” section below.
Workforce indicators are consolidated for all Sodexo entities, except for the number of training hours which excludes the Germany data (see limitations section below).
Societal and environmental indicators are calculated and consolidated for entities representing over 99.3% of Group revenues.
In order to streamline the collection and reporting process for the societal and environmental indicators, during the last Fiscal year, we have changed the reporting period. The new reporting period starts on June 1 and ends on May 31.
Certain environmental indicators are applicable only to On-site Services or to enefits & Rewards Services due to the nature of the indicator itself; for example, an indicator relating to the percentage of sustainable seafood purchased relates only to On-site Services entities which provide Food services.
Sodexo’s commitments to social and environmental responsibility have always been central to the Group’s fundamentals. The Group reinforced its workforce and environmental reporting in 2005 with the publication of its first Corporate Responsibility Report and further developed its sustainability performance processes in 2009 when its Corporate Responsibility roadmap, the Better Tomorrow Plan was launched. At the time, the Group committed to report its progress regularly and transparently.
In 2016, Sodexo reconfirmed its commitment to continued progress as an employer, a service provider and a corporate citizen through an updated version of our roadmap, Better Tomorrow 2025.
Each year, Sodexo endeavors to improve its processes and to this end, has implemented a reporting tool with two modules for gathering and consolidating information.
Consistency checks are embedded within the tools and additional control testing is performed.
The consolidation of workforce data is performed by Group Human Resources with the exception of the Health and Safety data which is consolidated by Group Health and Safety and the consolidation of environmental data is performed by Group Corporate Responsibility.
Certain strategic workforce indicators are consolidated monthly or quarterly for a detailed follow up as part of STEP dashboard.
All information published in this report was also examined by the Group’s external auditors.
In addition to the “limited assurance” delivered by the external auditors in relation to indicators published for the requirements of European directive, Sodexo obtained a higher level of assurance called “reasonable assurance” for the following key indicators: