The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) is an independant organisation of normalization that promotes the sharing of important information on sustainability, in order to satisfy the investors' needs. The table below refers to the norm as defined by the SASB, and highlights the Group's references.
(1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable | (1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable CODEFB-RN-130a.1 |
(1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCE(1) 1 ,785,271 GJ Energy consumption on our direct operations. (2) 34.63% energy consumption from grid electricity. (3) 8.9% renewable energy in our direct operations. |
(1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress | (1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress CODEFB-RN-140a.1 |
(1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCE(1) 3,814,282 direct water consumption in m3. We published in our CDP reporting disclosure. (2) Sodexo does not currently track this indicator. |
ACCOUNTING METRICSFood & Packaging Waste Management | CODE
(1) Total amount of waste, (2) percentage food waste, and (3) percentage diverted | (1) Total amount of waste, (2) percentage food waste, and (3) percentage diverted CODEFB-RN-150a.1 |
(1) Total amount of waste, (2) percentage food waste, and (3) percentage diverted SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCE(2) Sodexo targets to halving our food waste on all relevant sites using our WasteWatch program, page 88 |
(1) Total weight of packaging, (2) percentage made from recycled and/or renewable materials, and (3) percentage that is recyclable, reusable, and/or compostable | (1) Total weight of packaging, (2) percentage made from recycled and/or renewable materials, and (3) percentage that is recyclable, reusable, and/or compostable CODEFB-RN-150a.2 |
(1) Total weight of packaging, (2) percentage made from recycled and/or renewable materials, and (3) percentage that is recyclable, reusable, and/or compostable SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCE(1) Our main focus is on the food service disposables. In Fiscal 2021 we started collecting the baseline date on this specific category. (3) Sodexo does not currently track this indicator. |
(1) Percentage of restaurants inspected by a food safety oversight body, (2) percentage receiving critical violations | (1) Percentage of restaurants inspected by a food safety oversight body, (2) percentage receiving critical violations CODEFB-RN-250a.1 |
(1) Percentage of restaurants inspected by a food safety oversight body, (2) percentage receiving critical violations SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCE(1) In Fiscal 2021, 9,123 food service sites were part of a risk-basedsite audit program for Food Safety and Hygiene.. |
(1) Number of recalls issued and (2) total amount of food product recalled | (1) Number of recalls issued and (2) total amount of food product recalled CODEFB-RN-250a.2 |
(1) Number of recalls issued and (2) total amount of food product recalled SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCESodexo does not currently track this indicator. |
Number of confirmed foodborne illness outbreaks, percentage resulting in U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigation | Number of confirmed foodborne illness outbreaks, percentage resulting in U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigation CODEFB-RN-250a.3 |
Number of confirmed foodborne illness outbreaks, percentage resulting in U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) investigation SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCESodexo does not currently track this indicator, but we plan to do so through our HSE platform starting Fiscal 2022. |
(1) Percentage of meal options consistent with national dietary guidelines and (2) revenue from these options | (1) Percentage of meal options consistent with national dietary guidelines and (2) revenue from these options CODEFB-RN-260a.1 |
(1) Percentage of meal options consistent with national dietary guidelines and (2) revenue from these options SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCE(1) Sodexo is reporting the % of sites offering healthy lifestyle options, page: 71 |
(1) Percentage of children’s meal options consistent with national dietary guidelines for children and (2) revenue from these options | (1) Percentage of children’s meal options consistent with national dietary guidelines for children and (2) revenue from these options CODEFB-RN-260a.2 |
(1) Percentage of children’s meal options consistent with national dietary guidelines for children and (2) revenue from these options SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCESodexo does not currently track this indicator. |
Number of advertising impressions made on children, percentage promoting products that meet national dietary guidelines for children | Number of advertising impressions made on children, percentage promoting products that meet national dietary guidelines for children CODEFB-RN-260a.3 |
Number of advertising impressions made on children, percentage promoting products that meet national dietary guidelines for children SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCESodexo does not currently track this indicator. |
(1) Voluntary and (2) involuntary turnover rate for restaurant employees | (1) Voluntary and (2) involuntary turnover rate for restaurant employees CODEFB-RN-310a.1 |
(1) Voluntary and (2) involuntary turnover rate for restaurant employees SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCEThe voluntary turnover rate is disclosed for employees and onsite manager employees who remain with the Company for at least three months, page 68 |
(1) Average hourly wage, by region and (2) percentage of restaurant employees earning minimum wage, by region | (1) Average hourly wage, by region and (2) percentage of restaurant employees earning minimum wage, by region CODEFB-RN-310a.2 |
(1) Average hourly wage, by region and (2) percentage of restaurant employees earning minimum wage, by region SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCESodexo does not currently consolidate this information at Group level. |
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with (1) labor law violations and (2) employment discrimination | Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with (1) labor law violations and (2) employment discrimination CODEFB-RN-310a.3 |
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with (1) labor law violations and (2) employment discrimination SODEXO ACTIONS & PERFORMANCEInformation regarding litigation can be found page 161 |