Fiscal 2022 Integrated Report

Generate sustainable and profitable growth

Strategy and performance

Generate sustainable and profitable growth


Changes underway inourmarkets

Sodexo always pays close attention totheworld's major transformations with aview tounderstanding them and more effectively supporting them. In a highly competitive environment, analyzing demographic, social, environmental, economic and technological changes allows Sodexo to fine-tune its strategy and take advantage of the many opportunities forfuture growth that come its way.

Several ofthe major global trends that influence itsbusiness model are directly linked toitsmarkets and its activities, requiring adaptation to its services andgenerating newopportunities.

New work environments

At a time when employees are returning to theoffice after the Covid-19 pandemic, hybrid workmethods and flexible work hours (with an averageof two to three days of working from homeper week for white collar workers) are havinga large impact on office occupancy, encouragingcompanies to have their workspaces redesignedand adapt the workplace experience.

Employees are expecting personalized servicesand flexible solutions for individual andmultichannel Foodservices, and are now makingthe quality of meals and of physical and mentalwell-being at the workplace the leading criterionof their demands. Some 72% of them wantpremium Foodservices*.

Extendedcare services

The aging of the population and the explosion of healthcare expensesare driving the growth of the markets of care. By 2030,these expenses are expected to reach 10% of GDP in OECD countries.By 2050, 25% of the population in Europe and North Americawill be 65 or older*. In addition to the interest of adaptingFoodservices to the specific needs of these populations, opportunitiesto support healthcare facilities are increasing, in terms of improvingthe patient experience, thanks in particular to data analysis, and alsoin the areas of healthcare technology management.