Fiscal 2022 Universal Registration Document

3.2.6 Earnings per share

3.2 Fiscal year performance

3.2.6 Earnings per share

3.2.6 Earnings per share

Published EPS was 4.75 euros against 0.95 euro in Fiscal 2021. The weighted average number of shares for Fiscal 2022 was more or less stable at 146,295,576 compared to 146,004,484 shares for Fiscal 2021. As a result of much lower

Other income and expenses, Underlying EPS was very close to the published number, amounting to 4.78 euros, double the previous year.

3.2.7 Proposed dividend

The Board of Directors has proposed a dividend of 2.40 euros, up +20% compared to Fiscal 2021, in line with our policy of a pay-out-ratio of 50% of Underlying net profit.