Fiscal 2022 Universal Registration Document


Changes in the present value of the defined benefit plan obligation and the fair value of plan assets are shown below:

  FISCAL 2022 FISCAL 2021
As of August 31 1,435 (1,275) 160 1,476 (1,284) 192

Impact of changes in accounting principles(1)

(13) (13)
As of September 1 1,422 (1,275) 147 1,476 (1,284) 192
Expense/(income) recognized in the income statement 32 (19) 13 33 (19) 13
Current service cost 17 17 20 (1) 18
Past service cost (6) (6) (8) (8)
Effect of settlements
Interest cost/(income) 21 (19) 2 21 (18) 3
Remeasurement losses/(gains) (391) 303 (88) 50 (60) (10)
Actuarial losses/(gains) arising from changes in demographic assumptions 11 11 (11) (11)
Actuarial losses/(gains) arising from changes in financial assumptions (404) 303 (101) 59 (60) (1)
Experience adjustments 2 2 2 2
Currency translation adjustment 13 (8) 5 41 (41)
Contributions made by plan members 2 (2) 1 (1)

Employer contributions(2)

(82) (82)
Benefits paid from plan assets (37) 40 3 (44) 41 (3)
Benefits paid other than from plan assets (13) (13) (16) (15) (31)

Changes in scope of consolidation and other(3)

29 (33) (4) (106) 104 (2)
AS OF AUGUST 31 1,057 (1,076) (19) 1,435 (1,275) 160
Of which:            
Partially funded plans 932 (1,076) (144) 1,308 (1,275) 33
Unfunded plans 125 125 127 127

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(1) Impact of the application of IFRS Interpretation Committee decision related to IAS 19 (May 2021). See note 2.1.2 “New accounting standards and interpretations applied”.

(2) Contributions made by the employer to different plan assets of which 75 million euros of contributions to the UK pension plan assets.

(3) Including for Fiscal 2021 a benefit obligation decrease amounting to 104 million euros and assets for the same amount, linked to the retirement benefit obligations in six UK companies due to expiry of the contract.

The amounts recorded in the income statement for defined benefit plans totaled 13 million euros in Fiscal 2022 (13 million euros in Fiscal 2021) and consist of:

  • net expense of 8 million euros (net expense of 8 million euros in Fiscal 2021) in Cost of sales;
  • net expense of 5 million euros (net expense of 6 million euros in Fiscal 2021) in Selling, General and Administrative costs;
  • net income of 2 million euros in Other Income and Expenses;
  • net expense of 2 million euros in financial expenses (see note 12.1).

Defined benefit plan assets comprise:

As of August 31, 2022
As of August 31, 2021
This diagram shows the defined benefit plan assets  As of 31 August 2022  €1,076m in total Bonds and other debt instruments hold €302m for 27%. Real estate holds €130m for 12%. Cash holds €29m for 3%. Investment funds hold €253m for 24%.   Insurance and other hold €191m for 18%. Equities hold €171m for 16%.  As of 31 August 2021  €1,275m in total Bonds and other debt instruments hold €391m for 31%   Real estate holds  €83m for 7%. Cash holds €29m for 2%. Investment funds hold €256m for 20%. Insurance and other hold €183m for 14%. Equities hold €333m for 26%.