Fiscal 2022 Universal Registration Document


Given the significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Group's activities and performance, Sodexo obtained a decision from the State collection services allowing it to defer payment of the fine until December 15, 2021 without any penalty being due, subject to providing a bank guarantee, and from that date a monthly settlement plan until the decision of the Court of Appeal.

After consultation with its legal advisers, the Group considers that it has solid arguments capable of resulting in the reversal or revision of the decision of the Competition Authority. As a result, no provision has been made for this dispute.


Following legislative and regulatory changes to the issuance of food and meal voucher market in Hungary, Sodexo made an application to the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in July 2014 for arbitration proceedings against the Hungarian State.

The ICSID issued its decision on January 28, 2019, ordering the Hungarian State to pay compensation in an amount of 73 million euros to Sodexo, together with accrued interest from December 31, 2011. On May 27, 2019, the Hungarian State lodged an appeal against this decision which was rejected by the ICSID on May 7, 2021 thereby definitively confirming its decision of January 28, 2019 and the obligation of the Hungarian State to compensate Sodexo in accordance with international law.

The Hungarian State paid an indemnity in an amount of 33.5 million euros to Sodexo Pass International on December 31, 2021 in consideration of the prejudice caused as a result of the expropriation by the Hungarian State of Sodexo Pass

International’s investment in Hungary further to the legislative and regulatory changes implemented by the Hungarian State in the issuance of food and meal voucher market in Hungary.

This payment definitively puts an end to the dispute with regard to the ICSID arbitration award.

An income of 33.5 million euros has been recognized accordingly in other operating income in Fiscal 2022 (see note 4.2.2 “Other operating income and expenses”).


Sodexo S.A. received in December 2021 a notification for a proposed tax reassessment concerning fiscal years 2016, 2017 and 2018 with interruption of the statute of limitations. After review with its tax advisors, the Company considers it has strong arguments to contest the proposed reevaluation.


Group subsidiaries can also be subject to tax audits, a number of which may result in reassessments. The main disputes are described above. In each case, the risk is assessed by management and its advisors and any charges deemed probable are recorded as provisions or tax liabilities.

The Group is not aware of any other governmental, judicial or arbitral proceedings which are outstanding or threatened and which may have, or have had in the past 12 months, material effects on the Group’s financial position or profitability.

The Group is also involved in other legal proceedings arising in the normal course of its business. The Group does not anticipate that any potential related liabilities will in the aggregate be material to its activities or to its consolidated financial position.