Fiscal 2022 Universal Registration Document

1.3 Impact

# Employee engagement

By making our teams’ engagement and ethics a priority each and every day

Sodexo knows that to offer its clients the best service quality and support its growth over the long-term, it needs to constantly encourage employee engagement. This is why, day after day, Sodexo supports the physical and mental well-being of its staff by offering them assistance, training and opportunities for upward mobility in-house. In 2022, an average of 11.8 hours of training per employee were provided, and the internal promotion rate for On-site managers was 10.8%. Because ethics is a fundamental pillar of Sodexo’s commitments to responsible business conduct, its management bodies have a zero-tolerance policy on abusive practices. For this reason, Sodexo provides its employees and partners with a confidential system, available 24/7, that they can use to alert management to any activities or behavior that goes against its Code of Conduct:

78.3% employee engagement rate(1)

# Equal opportunity

By taking concrete action to promote professional and social inclusion

Helping young people and disadvantaged individuals to join the workforce is one of Sodexo’s major commitments. To promote these results, it offers training and career opportunities. In France, 80% of graduates from the first batch of the CFA des Chefs, the first inter-company training center dedicated to catering professions, are continuing their studies or have already been recruited on permanent contracts in one of the founding groups. Everywhere around the world, Sodexo has adopted an approach founded on equality of opportunity and diversity. For example, SodexoMagic, a joint venture operating in the area of Foodservices and Facilities Management Services for businesses, hospitals, schools and universities, employs over 6,500 people at more than 1,700 sites in the United States. It was founded with the goal of empowering the communities it serves, creating job opportunities by hiring locally and buying goods and services from businesses owned by minorities and women.

(1) 2021 employee engagement survey.