Fiscal 2022 Universal Registration Document

1.3 Impact

# Stop Hunger

By taking action every day to help end hunger

As hunger and food insecurity continue to rise, Stop Hunger, Sodexo’s unique philanthropic cause, continues to take action. Initiated 26 years ago by employees in the United States and supported by Sodexo, Stop Hunger now operates in 60 countries, partnering with over 300 NGOs to fight hunger in local communities. In Fiscal 2022, 14,000 volunteers, including Sodexo teams and their networks, supported the cause. Stop Hunger’s global priority is to end hunger sustainably, and women empowerment is one of its key pillars. In 2022, Stop Hunger supported 44 women empowerment programs and initiatives impacting more than 23,000 women in 30 countries. Food relief is also vital for supporting the immediate needs of the most vulnerable, especially in emergency situations. In March 2022, Stop Hunger quickly teamed up with Sodexo and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to help populations in and around Ukraine. A global call for donations was launched among employees, making it possible to donate 230,000 meals.

# Developing communities

By implementing socially innovative projects

Convinced that local roots and alliances between actors can create a positive impact on communities, Sodexo is developing new economic models focused on local employability, health through food and social cohesion. In April 2022, Sodexo opened its first Passerelle in Clichy-sous-Bois, a sustainable multi-activity building with a vegetable garden, a childcare center, a social meeting room and a training room. This economic model is based on the sale of products from the vegetable factory as well as the creation of training and employment paths. By 2025, Sodexo aims to open ten Passerelles in priority neighborhoods.