Fiscal 2022 Universal Registration Document


Materiality Matrix

Sodexo’s wide range of activities and services enables us to develop strong relationships with multiple stakeholders. In 2021, we conducted our third materiality assessment to confirm the validity of our corporate responsibility roadmap.

We renewed the process of identification and ranking of key issues and impacts in consultation with both internal and external stakeholders and the support of an external partner, EY.

We recognize that our activities — and the way we carry them out — have impacts that reach well beyond our financial performance. In order to remain successful in the long-term, we need to continue engaging our stakeholders and society at large.

Understanding their views on the economic, environmental and governance topics affecting us, allows us to better address their concerns, exchange constructively on different focus areas and, in the end, better manage our business.

This requires us to also understand the correlations between different topics and define scenarios for which we want Sodexo to be prepared.

The materiality assessment enhances the dialogue with key stakeholders and helps to systematically identify and drive understanding on corporate responsibility topics that affect Sodexo and our stakeholders today and in the future.

During Fiscal 2021, we reviewed our materiality assessment to also consider the impact of major ongoing developments (most notably the Covid-19 pandemic) on our sustainability priorities.

Our materiality assessment is conducted in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative's (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards

Stakeholder expectations


  • Water consumption and quality
  • Under-represented communities empowerment and inclusion
  • Local socio-economic impacts
  • Transparent communication and information on products
  • Waste management (non-organic)
  • Talent attraction
  • Consumer experience and outcomes
  • Stakeholder engagement

Very high:

  • Animal welfare
  • Access to affordable and healthy food
  • Sustainable offerings
  • Fair relationship with suppliers and subcontractors
  • Employee training and development
  • ESG Governance
  • Business adaptation and resilience to climate change
  • Choice of clients and suppliers aligned with Company values
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Data privacy and protection
  • Employee well-being
  • Packaging and plastics


  • Environmental impacts of purchases
  • Carbon emissions
  • Employee social dialogue
  • Safety and quality of food and FM services
  • Occupational health & safety
  • Food waste
  • Business integrity
  • Respect of human and workers’ right in the supply chain


Importance for Sodexo


  • Animal welfare
  • Water consumption and quality

Very high:

  • Environmental impacts of purchases
  • Carbon emissions
  • Employee social dialogue
  • Access to affordable and healthy food
  • Sustainable offerings
  • Fair relationship with suppliers and subcontractors
  • Employee training and development
  • ESG Governance
  • Business adaptation and resilience to climate change
  • Choice of clients and suppliers aligned with Company values
  • Under-represented communities empowerment and inclusion
  • Local socio-economic impacts
  • Transparent communication and information on products
  • Waste management (non-organic)


  • Safety and quality of food and FM services
  • Occupational health & safety
  • Food waste
  • Business integrity
  • Respect of human and workers’ right in the supply chain
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Data privacy and protection
  • Employee well-being
  • Packaging and plastics
  • Talent attraction
  • Consumer experience and outcomes
  • Stakeholder engagement