Fiscal 2022 Universal Registration Document


Focus on two dimensions

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our impacts on communities

For Sodexo, gender equality is a strategic imperative for enhancing business performance. This diversity promotes creativity and innovation within teams and ultimately provides a competitive advantage.

Strongly committed to advancing gender equality around the world, Sodexo leaders and executives are engaged around initiatives for the promotion and empowerment of women and encourage all employees to participate. Likewise, committed on a daily basis against racism and all forms of discrimination worldwide, Sodexo sees inclusion as an opportunity for the Group which, by integrating people from cultures and origins as diverse as the communities it serves, enriches its capacity for innovation and positive impact on its ecosystems.

Initiatives to empower, inspire and advance women around the world

To manage its strategy for gender equality and achieve lasting progress, Sodexo relies on the advice and guidance of SoTogether, its Global Advisory Board focused on empowering women and strengthening diversity, composed of 26 active members to make an impact.

In partnership with Stop Hunger and SoTogether, Sodexo has been running the SheWorks program since 2019, which aims to help vulnerable people, particularly women, return to work by enabling them to discover the professional opportunities offered by the Group. SheWorks brought together more than 1,000 women from local communities in 22 countries in 2022.

To address women’s underrepresentation in leadership positions, SoTogether launched SheLeads, a program to promote women’s leadership in business. Since its inception, SheLeads has helped more than 500 female executives take charge of their careers by encouraging them to unleash their potential, develop their network, and gain visibility and influence.

A global campaign to fight violence against women

Committed to ending a societal problem exacerbated by the health crisis, Sodexo has raised awareness of violence against women among more than 200,000 employees in Fiscal 2022 by rolling out the “Time to Act” campaign in 34 countries, with the support of SoTogether. To inform and train its teams, and to assist each country in implementing relevant measures in partnership with local authorities, NGOs and clients, the Group released a global information and prevention toolkit. This kit includes educational content, HR tips, fun tools such as an AI-based mobile game in Brazil and training, including one for managers witnessing acts of violence against women.