Fiscal 2022 Universal Registration Document


In the United Kingdom, an exclusive partnership with Origin Coffee

Sodexo signed an exclusive three-year partnership with Origin Coffee, one of the historic coffee roasters in the United Kingdom, to offer a high-end coffee experience to meet consumer demand on the sites of the Corporate Services segment. This partnership is part of the Group's commitment to buy responsibly and to promote fair, inclusive, and sustainable business practices. As a certified B Corp (a CSR international label with strict requirements), Origin Coffee cultivates a direct commercial approach and supports small local producers and exporters in their development and responsible practices in Salvador, Colombia, Nicaragua, and Brazil. The first Sodexo Origin Coffee point of sale opened in January 2022 in a large London media firm, offering a selection of four exceptional coffees derived from sustainable sources and offering full traceability to the consumer.

Vertical agriculture technology made for hyperlocal production in Canada

At Langley in British Colombia, Sodexo Canada launched an offer of menus based on fresh vegetables harvested directly on site at the beginning of the 2021 school year. The initiative was made possible by its partnership with ZipGlow, a leading international agricultural technology company in domestic vertical agriculture, which deploys innovative solutions for local and sustainable production of fresh food to guarantee food security to communities. In accordance with the commitments made by the Group, Sodexo Canada gives priority to hyperlocal production harvested by on-site teams with the final goal of using 100% of food produced and transformed locally.