Fiscal 2022 Universal Registration Document


Sodexo leads the way in the fight against plastics

Committed to the preservation of the environment, Sodexo signed a manifesto calling upon United Nations Member States to conclude a treaty against plastic pollution.

The Group has also adopted a global approach to fighting against plastic in collective catering, consisting of reducing its use, encouraging reuse and phasing out the disposable range.

The Benefits & Rewards activity strives to limit the production of cards by offering a 100% digital user journey, extending the life of its cards and grouping its products on the same card, for instance. Today, 84% of the total value of social benefits* we issue are in a digital format (card or electronic) and more than half of our countries offer a digital alternative to cards. Likewise, in France we launched the first eco-friendly restaurant voucher with the “Pass Restaurant” card, as well as around the world where 37% of our cards are produced with materials alternative to PVC plastic (bio-based materials, recycled PVC and PET, PLA).

*Employee and Public Benefits.

Reducing waste throughout the supply chain

Sodexo not only helps reduce food waste in its restaurants via its WasteWatch program, but also targets every stage of the value chain by way of numerous initiatives including WasteLESS Week awareness campaigns, joint actions with organizations such as the French anti-waste startup Phenix, and the conversion of organic waste into compost and biogas with the Suez Group and composting specialists such as Les Alchimistes in France.

Sodexo believes global decision-makers must work together to help ensure the future well-being of the planet. It therefore participates in numerous initiatives such as the Champions 12.3 coalition, ReFED, WRAP, WRI, the Consumer Goods Forum, REFRESH, and Food Service Europe. The Group is also a founding member of the International Food Waste Coalition (IFWC), which fights food waste by way of its collaborative “farm-to-plate” approach.

Finally, with “Stop Hunger”, its unique philanthropic cause, Sodexo distributes its surplus food to NGOs and associations that offer assistance to the needy.