Fiscal 2022 Universal Registration Document

2.5.2 Ensuring a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflectsand enriches communities we serve

2.5 Non-financial reporting

2.5.2 Ensuring a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflectsand enriches communities we serve

Collective agreement for health and safety

  FISCAL 2022 FISCAL 2021
% of workforce covered by collective agreements ☑

% of workforce covered by collective agreements ☑



% of workforce covered by collective agreements ☑



% of workforce working in countries that have collective agreements and are covered by those agreements

% of workforce working in countries that have collective agreements and are covered by those agreements



% of workforce working in countries that have collective agreements and are covered by those agreements



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The decline in the percentage of employees covered by a collective agreement is due mainly to the closure of sites in Canada, India and China that were covered by a collective agreement. Other countries, such as Brazil, Chile and Denmark, have made progress on this indicator.

In 2021, Sodexo and the IUF (International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations), the global trade union federation for workers in the food industry, signed a declaration of intent on

health and safety, reinforcing their commitments and priorities to promote the right of employees to health and safety at work.

This declaration of intent on health and safety is a first in the industry and helps to strengthen the relationship between Sodexo and the IUF, which had already laid the initial foundations by signing an international framework agreement on respect for fundamental rights in 2011 and, in 2017, by signing a joint commitment against sexual harassment.

2.5.2 Ensuring a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflects and enriches communities we serve

Workforce by category and gender equality

  FISCAL 2022 FISCAL 2021
Board of Directors ☑(1) 10 60% 10 60%
Executive Committee ☑ 17 41% 17 29%
Group Senior Executives ☑(2) 184 41% 185 43%
Managers ☑ 47,622 44% 47,473 44%
Employees ☑ 374,369 56% 364,615 57%
Total Workforce ☑ 421,991 54% 412,088 55%

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(1)Excluding the 2 members of the Board who are employee representatives.

(2)Group Senior Executives include the key functions reporting directly to Group Executive Committee members, higher-level sales and operations and high potentials.

As of August 31, 2022, the Executive Committee was composed of 7 women and 10 men, increasing the representation of women on this Committee compared to 2021.

In September 2021, Sodexo was ranked once again second by the French Ministry of Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunity in the ranking of women in the management bodies of SBF120 companies. Each year, this ranking establishes the list of the 120 largest French companies, highlighting their commitment to increasing the number of women in their management bodies and, more generally, to promoting gender equality in the workplace. Sodexo's ranking reflects its long-standing commitment to increasing the number of women on its Board of Directors, Executive Committee and senior management teams.

Since 2016, Sodexo United Kingdom publishes the difference between the gross hourly earnings of all men and all women in their workforce. The last report published in March 2022 on the data for 2021 showed an overall average gender pay gap of 12.8%, which was an improvement over 2020, when the gap was 14.4%.

The global Vita by Sodexo program offers a range of benefits to all employees. In particular, Sodexo seeks to offer its employees an opportunity to benefit from decent parental and care leave, regardless of the country in which they work.

In France, the Gender Equality in the Workplace Index assesses the progress made by companies towards gender equality. This index uses a variety of criteria including promotions, salary increases, parental leave and the ten highest salaries for women. In 2021, Sodexo obtained a score of 96 out of 100 for all its 11 French entities.

  FISCAL 2022 FISCAL 2021
% of employees working in countries that respect gender balance in their management *

% of employees working in countries that respect gender balance in their management *



% of employees working in countries that respect gender balance in their management *



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*The calculation methodology for this KPI was updated in 2022 and the 2021 figure was recalculated for consistency purpose.

The proportion of employees working in countries that respect gender diversity in their management increased in Fiscal 2022, in line with the target set in the Better Tomorrow 2025.