Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

4. Consolidated financial statements


As part of its food or other material supply contracts with manufacturers and distributors, the Group can earn discounts, rebates, or credits related to purchases made under those contracts. Vendor Discounts and Allowances (VDA) are earned on the volume of materials purchased under the contract, on the periodic purchase volumes exceeding certain contractually-defined thresholds, or as fixed amounts in exchange for certain commitments such as vendor exclusivity arrangements. The Group retains VDAs to the extent consistent with the Food or Facilities Management services contract signed with the client and applicable law.

VDAs are typically recognized as a reduction to the cost of sales in the period the purchases are made based on the volume of materials purchased in the period and the contractual VDA rate. VDAs earned based on purchase volumes reaching contractually-defined thresholds are recognized in proportion to the purchases made as soon as the Group considers it probable that the thresholds will be reached. If the Group does not consider it probable that its purchase volumes will reach the contractually-defined thresholds, any VDAs earned are recognized if and when the thresholds are reached. Fixed-amount VDAs are recognized immediately unless certain conditions need to be met in order for them to be earned or if there is a clear link between the amount promised and the future purchase volumes. In such cases, fixed-amount VDAs are recognized over the period of the related commitment.

Cash flow statement

The cash flow statement analyzes changes in net cash and cash equivalents, defined as cash and cash equivalents less current bank overdrafts and credit bank balances payable on demand that form an integral component of treasury management.