Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

1. Integrated Report

This graph shows the Profitable and responsible growth over the long term.

Group key figures (Sodexo and Pluxee) as of August 31, 2023

1970: 1,000 employees

1980: 15,000 employees

1990: 36,000 employees

2000: 286,000 employees

2010: 380,000 employees

Between 2010 and 2020: 470,000 employees

2020: 420,000 employees

2023,: 435,000 employees

23.7 billion euros consolidated revenues

1970: €9.3m

1980: €213m

1990: €1.2bn

2000: €10.5bn

2010: €15.3bn

Between 2010 and 2020: €22bn

2020: €19.3bn

2023: €27bn

Share price

1990: approximately €35

2000: approximately €60

2010: approximately €50

2020: approximately €120

2023: €99.02

In Fiscal 2023,

Sodexo demonstrates the transformation of its model with solid results. The implementation of the 2025 strategic plan is progressing with significant advances in refocusing on food services and greater selectivity in its Facilities Management services, while accelerating its initiatives to strengthen the Group's impact as market maker in sustainability. Sodexo also announced the full spin-off and listing of its Benefits & Rewards Services activity, renamed Pluxee, expected to be completed early 2024.