Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

An independent Board of Directors

1.1 Profile

An independent Board of Directors

An independent Board of Directors

The Sodexo Board of Directors guarantees a long-term vision and has 12 directors who bring their recognized expertise and experience in key areas to the Group: market share strategy, international development, social and environmental responsibility.

The Board pays special attention to the selection of its members. Directors are chosen for their ability to act in the interest of all shareholders and for their expertise, experience and understanding of the strategic challenges in markets where the Group operates. The composition of the Board of Directors is intended to adhere closely to the principles of diversity and to reflect the geographic mix of business insofar as possible, to provide a range of technical skills, and to include individuals with in-depth knowledge of Sodexo’s activities.

To make decisions, the Board of Directors relies on the work of its three Committees, responsible for formulating recommendations. Each Committee is chaired by an Independent Director.


As of August 31, 2023

  • Sophie Bellon

    Chairwoman and CEO

    Nationality: French

  • François-Xavier Bellon

    Chairman of the Management Board of Bellon SA

    Nationality: French

    Audit Committee member

    Nominating Committee member

  • Nathalie Bellon‑Szabo

    Chief Executive Officer, Sodexo Live! Worldwide

    Nationality: French

    Nominating Committee member

  • Luc Messier

    Lead Independent Director, President of Reus Technologies LLC

    Nationality: Canadian-american 

    Audit Committee member

    Nominating Committee member

  • Françoise Brougher

    Independent Director

    Nationality: French-american

    Compensation Committee member

    Nominating Committee member

  • Jean-Baptiste Chasseloup de Chatillon

    Chief Financial Officer, Sanofi

    Nationality: French

    Audit Committee member


  • Federico J. González Tejera

    Chairman and CEO

    Nationality: Spanish

    Louvre Hotels Group and Executive Vice Chairman, Radisson Hotel Group

    Compensation Committee member

  • Véronique Laury

    Independent Director

    Nationality: French

    Audit Committee member

  • Cécile Tandeau de Marsac

    Independent Director

    Nationality: French

    Compensation Committee member

    Nominating Committee member

  • Philippe Besson

    Head of Projects and Sponsorship, Sodexo France

    Nationality: French

    Compensation Committee member

  • Cathy Martin

    Regional Manager, Sodexo Canada

    Nationality: Canadian

    Audit Committee member

  • Patrice de Talhouët

    Managing Director, Bellon SA

    Nationality: French

Gilles PélissonPresident of Lyfe Institut and Unifrance

During the Shareholders Meeting of December 15, 2023, the renewals of Sophie Bellon, Nathalie Bellon-Szabo, and Federico J. González Tejera will be proposed to the shareholder vote, as well as the appointment of Gilles Pélisson.

For more information on Sodexo’s governance, see chapter 7 of the Universal Registration Document