Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

5. Information on the Issuer

Terms and conditions:

Under this agreement, Bellon S.A. invoices Sodexo for the compensation of the Group Chief Financial Officer, Group Chief People Officer and Group Chief Growth Officer during the secondment period. This invoicing includes the compensation and associated benefits, as well as payroll and any other related taxes. The invoiced amount does not include a margin on the items invoiced.

The total fees billed under this agreement, and changes compared with the prior year, are reviewed annually by Sodexo’s Audit Committee. In addition, and in compliance with the law, the agreement is reviewed every year by the Board of Directors.

The annual fees payable to Bellon S.A. are approved each year by the Board of Directors of your Company, with none of the directors who are Bellon family members taking part in the vote.

For the year ended August 31, 2023, the fees billed by Bellon S.A. under this agreement amounted to 4, 769,212 euros excluding taxes.

Paris-La Défense, November 2, 2023

The Statutory Auditors


Aymeric de La Morandière

Soraya Ghannem


Caroline Bruno-Diaz