Sodexo’s risk factors may arise individually, but they can also have an effect on each other. In order to better understand the relationship between the risk factors, and to enhance overall risk resilience, a mapping of the interconnectivity of the risk factors was carried out. This mapping is shown below.
This diagram shows the interconnectivity of principal risk factors.
The compliance with laws and regulations are interconnected with:
The climate disruption exposure is interconnected with:
Client retention is interconnected with:
Changing consumer expectations and behaviors are interconnected with:
Bidding risks are interconnected with:
Competition is interconnected with:
Client contract execution is interconnected with :
Technology and Information security is interconnected with:
Talent management and development is interconnected with:
Staff shortages and resource planning is interconnected with :
Food, services and workplace safety is interconnected with :
The environmental impact of Sodexo is interconnected with:
In carrying out its risk assessment, Sodexo also considers risks arising from changes in the external environment. This includes consideration of emerging risks that are new external risks or existing external risks that have evolved with time, or have been triggered by changed circumstances. They may be perceived to be potentially significant, but might not yet be fully understood, and/or the consequences may be difficult to quantify.
In Fiscal 2023, in order to identify emerging risks at the earliest opportunity, a horizon scanning exercise was carried out, collating risk themes and trends from industry and professional bodies and peer networks. These themes and trends were then discussed and explored by a mixed team of operational directors and risk specialists to consider their potential impact on Sodexo, and the time horizon of the risk (medium/long-term). A first emerging risks mapping (”emerging risks radar”) was established, which will be refined over the next fiscal year.