Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

2025 strategy: refocus and acceleration

1.2 Strategy and performance

2025 strategy: refocus and acceleration

2025 strategy: refocus and acceleration

Capitalizing on solid foundations and operating in high-potential markets, Sodexo continues to implement its 2025 strategy, built around two pillars supported by three key drivers of growth.

1: Refocus on Food Services & be more selective in FM  2: Strengthen our impact as market maker in sustainability  Number 1 Tech & Data  Number 2 Commercial Excellence  Number 3 Supply Chain Power

With the ambition to be the world leader in sustainable food and valued experiences at every moment in life, Sodexo continues to transform its traditional food services models with the mission of offering quality experiences in a consumer-centric approach. The Group is stepping up the pace in its key markets and developing a modern, sustainable food service offering, boosting the deployment of its commercial brands while continuing to invest in its digital ecosystem.

Find out more about corporate responsibility strategy, see pages 24-25 and chapter 2 of the Universal Registration Document

Focusing on Food Services

Food services are Sodexo's core business. A key player in a potential 240 billion euros market*, Sodexo is stepping up the adaptation of its traditional food services models and the development of new advanced models integrating new ways of producing or distributing food services, enabling it to offer consumers genuine experiences and fueling growth, profitability and cash generation.

To achieve this, Sodexo intends to roll out its commercial brands on a larger scale, with positioning aimed at a wide or more premium audience to meet all needs, with the aim of achieving more than 50% of food revenues from these branded offers by 2025.

Sodexo continues to accelerate the development of advanced food models to address fast-changing needs and behaviors: multichannel, hybrid, anytime, anywhere. Through more investments in convenience, aggregation and off-site production options, organically and through acquisitions, these advanced models will represent 10% of Food revenues by 2025, with a positive impact on profitability.

In addition, Sodexo has a strong ambition in off-site food production and intends to at least double the number of its culinary units.

These new-generation culinary units will both optimize production and make it more flexible to improve the taste, quality and durability of dishes, thanks to robotization, team training and optimized supply chain and reduced food waste.