Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

7. Corporate governance


Born September 2, 1965

Dual French and American nationality

Graduate of ICAM-Lille (Institut catholique d’arts et métiers) (France) and Harvard University (United States)

First appointed: January 23, 2012

Expiration of current term: at the Annual Shareholders Meeting held to adopt the Fiscal 2023 financial statements

Member of the Nominating Committee and the Compensation Committee


Executive management of international companiesFinanceSustainable development – Societal commitment and human resourcesInnovation – DigitalMarketing and salesStrategy – Mergers and Acquisitions

Number of Sodexo shares held: 400

Main role: Director of Sodexo

Business address:


255, quai de la Bataille-de-Stalingrad

92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)


Françoise Brougher began her career in 1989 in a production unit of L’Oréal in Japan.

After receiving her MBA in 1994, she joined the strategy consulting firm Booz Allen & Hamilton, dividing her time between Europe and the United States.

In 1998, she joined the San Francisco-based Ocean Gem Pearl Corporation, an importer of black Tahitian pearls.

From 2000 to 2005, she was Vice President of Strategy at California-based brokerage firm Charles Schwab Corporation.

In March 2005, she joined Google, where she managed Business Operations for four years, becoming Vice President, Global SME Sales & Operations in 2009, a client segment she knows particularly well.

In April 2013, she joined San Francisco-based Square as Business Lead.

In February 2018, she was appointed Chief Operating Officer of Pinterest and stepped down from this role in April 2020.

Other positions and corporate offices held

Companies linked to Sodexo





Companies not linked to Sodexo




  • Member of the Board of Directors: Too Good To Go (Danemark)
  • Member of the Board of Directors: Velocity Global (USA) and Chairwoman of the Compensation Committee
  • Senior Advisor: Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (Canada)
  • Executive Advisor: Inovia Capital (Canada)
Other positions and corporate offices held within the past five years but no longer held
  • Member of the Board of Directors: Blackbird Air (USA) (Term ended: November 2020)
  • Executive Officer: Pinterest* (USA) (Term ended: April 2020)

* Listed company.