Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

7. Corporate governance


Born April 21, 1964

Dual Canadian and American nationality

Graduate of the University of Sherbrooke (civil engineering) and of UC Davis (viticulture and oenology)

First appointed: January 21, 2020

Expiration of current term: at the Annual Shareholders Meeting held to adopt the Fiscal 2025 financial statements

Lead Independent Director

Member of the Nominating Committee and the Audit Committee


Executive management of international companiesFinanceSustainable development – Societal commitment and human resourcesInnovation – DigitalStrategy – Mergers and Acquisitions Knowledge of the service sector

Number of Sodexo shares held: 400

Main role: President, Reus Technologies LLC (USA)

Business address:


255, quai de la Bataille-de-Stalingrad

92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)


Luc Messier began his career in engineering and project management at Pomerleau. He joined the Bouygues group in 1993 as an engineer, project manager in Hong Kong and in South Africa and was later appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Bouygues subsidiary handling construction work in Hong Kong.

In 2003, he joined Technip as Chief Operating Officer and was then named President and Chief Executive Officer of Technip Offshore Inc. before being appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of Technip USA.

Between 2007 and 2015, he served as Senior Vice President for ConocoPhillips, where he was responsible for projects, aviation and procurement.

Since 2015, he has been President of Reus Technologies LLC (on a part time basis), a technology development company that acts primarily as a business angel in new technology, focused ventures. He is also Chairman of Messier Wine Holdings LLC (part time), a company that owns a vineyard in Carmel, California.

Thanks to his professional experience, he knows particularly well the challenges related to environment and climate change.

Since March 1, 2022, he has been Lead Independent Director of Sodexo S.A.

Since June 6, 2022, he has also been Chief Operating Officer of Enerkem Inc., a startup specializing in carbon recycling.

Other positions and corporate offices held

Companies linked to Sodexo





Companies not linked to Sodexo




  • Chairman: Reus Technologies LLC (USA); Messier Wine Holdings (USA)
  • Member of the Board of Directors: Greenfield Holdings LLC (USA), Bird Construction Inc.* (Canada), and also member of the Human Resources and Governance Committee, Chairman of the Environment and Health & Safety Committee and Lead Independent Director of Bird Construction Inc.
Other positions and corporate offices held within the past five years but no longer held

Member of the Board of Directors: IGP Methanol (USA) (Term ended: April 2019); Ocean Installer (Norway) (Term ended: March 2020)

* Listed company.