The Sodexo Group has established a tax policy that has been published on its website. The main principle of the policy is that the Sodexo Group undertakes to respect local tax laws and regulations that apply and pay its fair share of taxes in all countries where it operates, in line with the substance of the economic activity of the business locally. Sodexo does not use intended tax structures for tax avoidance nor invest in tax structures located in so-called “tax havens” in order to avoid taxes. The policy is based on the economic reality of the transactions and excludes fraud and tax evasion as well as hybrid mismatch arrangements from a tax standpoint. Therefore, the Group considers that it complies with the requirements of the new article L.225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code on fighting tax evasion.
Sodexo will always:
Sodexo Group has developed a framework to manage uncertain tax positions. All significant tax positions are regularly reported to the Audit Committee.