Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

7. Corporate governance

Fiscal 2019

The compensation indicated for the Chief Executive Officer is that of Denis Machuel for a full year.

Fiscal 2020

The compensation indicated for the Chief Executive Officer is that of Denis Machuel for a full year. During this fiscal year, the fixed compensation was reduced by 50% in the second half and no performance shares were granted.

Fiscal 2021

The compensation indicated for the Chief Executive Officer is that of Denis Machuel for a full year. His fixed compensation was reestablished and paid at the target level. The variable compensation for Fiscal 2020 was not paid following the cancellation decided by the Board of Directors given the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. He received a grant of performance shares.

Sodexo employees did not receive variable compensation for Fiscal 2020 since the targets were not reached due to the health crisis. During Fiscal 2021, eligible Sodexo employees received variable compensation for the first half of the fiscal year in advance.

Fiscal 2022

The compensation indicated for the Chief Executive Officer is that of the Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer (Sophie Bellon). It includes the compensation she received in September 2021 in her role as Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, then that received from October 2022 for her roles as Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and interim Chief Executive Officer, and then as Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer. The Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer did not receive any variable compensation in Fiscal 2021 due to the fact that she was not eligible in her role as Chairwoman of the Board of Directors. She did not receive any performance share grants.

Fiscal 2023

The compensation indicated for the Chief Executive Officer is that of the Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer (Sophie Bellon). It includes her fixed compensation, the variable compensation paid for the previous fiscal year and the grant of performance shares as of January 31, 2023 (for further details, refer to Section of this document).

The chart below shows the change in the ratios between (i) the compensation of the Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer for Fiscal 2022 and Fiscal 2023 and the Chief Executive Officer for previous years and (ii) the median compensation of employees in the extended scope, compared with the change in the Group’s revenue and underlying operating profit.

For ease of reading, the value of the different items is expressed with Fiscal 2018 as the Base 100.

Median pay equity ratio compared to financial results - Base 100 in Fiscal 2018

This graph shows the median pay equity ratio compared to financial results - Base 100 in Fiscal 2028.

Consolidated Revenue

  • Fiscal 2018: approximately 100 
  • Fiscal 2019: approximately 110
  • Fiscal 2020: approximately 90
  • Fiscal 2021: approximately 80
  • Fiscal 2022: approximately 100
  • Fiscal 2023: approximately 110

Consolidated Underlying Operating Profit

  • Fiscal 2018: approximately 100
  • Fiscal 2019: approximately 105
  • Fiscal 2020: approximately 55
  • Fiscal 2021: approximately 65
  • Fiscal 2022: approximately 85
  • Fiscal 2023: approximately 110 

Group Chief Executive Officer 

  • Fiscal 2018: approximately 100
  • Fiscal 2019: approximately 83
  • Fiscal 2020: approximately 41 
  • Fiscal 2021: approximately 63
  • Fiscal 2022: approximately 23
  • Fiscal 2023: approximately 80