Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

1. Integrated Report

A very sizeable, attractive and underpenetrated market

The market for employee benefits and engagement continues to be largely underpenetrated. While the meal and food addressable market was estimated at 219 billion euros in business volume in 2023, it is expected to grow to approximately 235 billion euros in business volume by 2025. The continued growth of the employee benefits market is supported by strong and long-term macro trends, such as:

War for talent & the great resignation

Boost demand for improved employee engagement solutions.

Hybrid working

Multiply innovative solutions, at work and beyond including meal delivery, work from home packages, mobility and well-being benefits.


Improve digital employee and employer experiences for more efficiency.

Empowered consumers

Answer to the increased demands for flexibility and freedom of choice boosted by heterogeneous workforce.

Supporting local business

Implement sustainable and personalized products to support both local merchants and employee’s power of purchase.

A compelling and digitalized offer

The employee benefits and engagement market encompasses a wide variety of activities, issued through cards or digital solutions, and almost no paper vouchers. Employee benefits include meal, food, gift, mobility, health, well-being (mental and physical), holiday and culture benefits, as well as benefits related to hybrid ways of working, training and childcare, among others. The Employee engagement, rewards & recognition activities encapsulate solutions that allow employers to award perks to their employees to help them activate their corporate values and reinforce their employer brand.

Employee benefits
Meal & food



Lifestyle benefits(1)


Health & Well-being


Holidays & Culture

Other products & services

Employee rewards & recognition and engagement

Public benefits

(1) including childcare, hybrid work, training and uniform.

Key figures as of August 31, 2023






36 million


1.7 million

affiliated merchants

More than



4.8 million

transactions every day


worldwide in employee benefits & engagement


worldwide in public benefits