Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

10. Other information

Issue volume

Issue volume corresponds to the total face value of service vouchers, cards and digitally-delivered services issued by the Benefits & Rewards Services activity for beneficiaries on behalf of clients.

OHSAS 18001

A standard developed in the United Kingdom (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) used as a model for occupational health and safety management systems. Its objective is to provide companies with assessment and certification of their health and safety management systems, consistent with international management system standards.

Performance shares

Sodexo shares granted free of consideration by the Board of Directors to the Chief Executive Officer and Group managers in order to reward individual performance and whose vesting is subject to the beneficiary still being part of the Group at the end of the vesting period as well as the achievement of performance conditions. The proportion of performance shares within the overall number of shares granted can vary between 0% and 100% depending on the number of shares granted and the responsibilities of the beneficiaries concerned.

Registered shares

Registered shares are shares that are registered in the holder’s name in Sodexo’s share register (unlike bearer shares). They may be directly or indirectly registered. Registered Sodexo shareholders are entitled to:

  • double voting rights for registered shares held for at least four years;
  • a dividend premium of 10% for registered shares held for at least four years, limited to 0.5% of Sodexo’s issued capital per shareholder;
  • automatic invitation to Shareholders Meetings and personalized information on all financial transactions (capital increases, bond issues, etc.);
  • reduced administration costs (for directly registered shares only).
  1. Directly registered shares (French nominatif pur) The shares are recorded in the holder’s name in a share account kept by the Company’s registrar, Société Générale, allowing direct communications between the shareholder and Sodexo.
  2. Indirectly registered shares (French nominatif administré) In this case, the shares are registered in the holder’s name in a share account managed by his or her bank or broker, which is responsible for the related custodial and administration services. The shares are administered in the same way as for bearer shares.