Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

10.3.5 Non-Financial Performance Declaration (DPEF)

10.3 Reconciliation tables

10.3.5 Non-Financial Performance Declaration (DPEF)

10.3.5 Non-Financial Performance Declaration (DPEF)

I. Value creation Business Model 8, 9
II. Risk management 11, 200-214
  1. A description of the main risks related to the Company’s activity   200-214
  2. A description of the policies put in place to mitigate and prevent the occurrence of these risks   200-2014
  3. The results of these policies, including key performance indicators   56-66
III. Declaration of relevant information related to the main risks/measures mentioned in II
  1. Social Information:
  a Employment: i total workforce and distribution of employees by gender, age group and geographical area 56-59
ii new employee hires and dismissals 57
iii remuneration and any related changes 258-274
  b Work organization: i working-time organization 56-59
ii absenteeism 58
  c Labor/Management relations: i organization of social dialogue including information procedures, consultation and negotiation with employees 59
ii summary of collective bargaining agreements 59
  d Health and safety: i occupational health and safety conditions 58, 59, 68, 69, 201, 209
ii summary of collective bargaining agreements signed with trade unions orworkers’ representatives on occupational health and safety 59
iii occupational accidents, including accident frequency and severity rates, and occupational diseases 58
  e Training and education: i policies implemented regarding training and education 61, 69, 208
ii total number of hours of training 61
  f Training and education: i measures implemented to promote gender equality 6, 46, 48, 59, 60
ii measures implemented to promote the employment and integration ofdisabled people 6, 46, 48, 59, 60
iii policy against discrimination 6, 46, 48, 59, 60
  g Promotion of and compliance with the core Conventions of the ILO relative to: i freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining 59
ii non-discrimination in respect of employment and occupation 6, 46, 48, 59, 60
iii the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor 40, 70
iv the effective abolition of child labor 40, 70
  2. Environmental data:
  a General environmental policy: i the Company’s organizational strategy to factor in environmental issues and, if appropriate, the approaches to auditing/obtaining certification for environment-related performance 50-55
ii information and training measures for employees regarding environmental protection 61, 69
iii resources allocated to the prevention of environmental risks and pollution 209, 210
iv amount of provisions and guarantees for environmental risks, unless such information is likely to cause serious harm to the Company in the event of ongoing litigation N/A
  b Pollution: i measures of prevention, reduction or repair of discharges into the air, water and ground, impacting severely the environment N/A
ii consideration of noise and any other activity-specific pollution N/A


c Circular economy:

i) Waste prevention and management


i measures of prevention, recycling, reuse, other forms of recovery and disposal of waste 7, 26, 49, 53, 65, 209
ii actions against food waste 7, 26, 49, 53, 65, 209
  ii) Sustainable use of resources i water consumption and water supply adapted to local constraints 65
ii consumption of raw materials and measures implemented to improve efficiency in their use 62-65
iii energy consumption and measures implemented to improve energy efficiency and renewable energy use 63, 64
iv land usage 64