Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

2. Corporate responsibility at Sodexo

employees employees


Offer jobs and training that foster professional development and internal promotion.



82.5% of our employees

are engaged.

clients clients


Provide a wide range of services to the same client and have a direct impact on strategic issues, such as employee engagement, competitiveness and attractiveness of the organization.



80 million consumers

every day.

consumers consumers


Influencing food choices towards more balanced and sustainable diets by sharing educational, precise and accessible information.



89.0% of consumers

are offered healthy lifestyle choices.

suppliers suppliers


Building relationships that benefit everyone. Meet demanding standards in terms of quality, working conditions, business integrity and respect for the environment.



95.0% of purchases

are with contracted suppliers having signed the Sodexo Supplier Code of conduct.

institutions and ngos institutions and ngos


Expand NGO ecosystem to meet challenges such as:

  • respect for human rights;
  • continuous improvement of working conditions;
  • promoting diversity, equity and inclusion;
  • reducing carbon emissions;
  • improving nutrition;
  • the fight against food waste or against hunger.
institutions and ngos


Sodexo maintains long-term productive relationships with:

  • the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);
  • the World Wildlife Fund (WWF);
  • the International Labour Organization (ILO);
  • the United Nations;
  • the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI);
  • the Seafood Task Force; and
  • academic institutions.

Sodexo is also bound by an international framework agreement with the International Union of Food workers (IUF).

Sodexo initiated the creation of:

  • the International Food Waste Coalition (IFWC);
  • the Global Coalition for Animal Welfare (GCAW).
investors investors


Give confidence to institutional and individual shareholders through the presence of the Bellon family in the capital of the Group, a guarantee of financial independence and stability. Provide accurate and timely information on Sodexo performance.



Sodexo is including in the following indices:

  • CAC Next 20
  • ESG Euronext CAC 40;
  • 1.5 Euronext CAC 40;
  • World Dow Jones Sustainability (DJSI);
  • Vigeo Eiris;
  • FTSE4Good.
gouvernments and regulators gouvernments and regulators


Sodexo ensures good cooperation with public authorities to enable them to better understand the model and specificities of service companies and in particular catering, and thus participates in the development of effective and fair regulation.

These missions are carried out in compliance with the regulations of each country where Sodexo operates, those specific to the European Union (registration in the Transparency Register of the European Commission and the European Parliament) and in accordance with the Sodexo’s “Group Public affairs” policy.

gouvernments and regulators


Sodexo regularly communicates with public authorities and provides insight on subjects such as European regulations on non-financial reporting (CSRD), green taxonomy, alternatives to animal proteins in diets, or public markets.