Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

2.1.6 Ethics, integrity and respect for Human rights

2.1. Corporate responsibility at Sodexo

2.1.6 Ethics, integrity and respect for Human rights

Ethics, integrity and respect for human rights

Loyalty, respect for people, transparency and integrity: Sodexo’s ethical principles must be known and understood by all employees, who are expected to act in accordance with them. Sodexo’s Code of Conduct provides details on each of these principles and includes a guide for employees on how to put them into practice. These principles are also developed in the Sodexo Supplier Code of Conduct which suppliers and sub-contractors are required to comply with in doing business with Sodexo.

Sodexo’s Ethics and Compliance governance monitors the implementation and respect of these ethical principles.

Sodexo’s commitments to human rights are laid out in fundamental rights at work statement. The Group’s statement is based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Our occupational Health and Safety policy is captured in the Group Health and Safety Policy and Environmental Policy is covered by the Better Tomorrow 2025 roadmap.

Sodexo's three founding values drive its commitments in terms of ethics, integrity and respect for human rights. At a global level, four priorities have been defined to guide its ethical actions:


Prevent breaches of Sodexo ethical principles through individual or collective awareness-raising actions for its employees that integrate lessons learned and evolution of risks.


Encourage and protect employees and third parties raising concerns, in particular by promoting the Speak Up ethics line. Examine each report, take any relevant remedial actions and integrate the findings into a process of continuous improvement of Sodexo measures.


Ensure a workplace that is respectful of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights at Work and promote a culture of diversity and inclusion, and thereby contribute to the engagement of the Sodexo employees.


Measure the progress of the ethical culture of the company and be recognized for Sodexo commitments by its employees and stakeholders, notably in the employee engagement survey (Voice) and in external indices and certifications.


Accessible in 16 languages to the general public, as well as its employees and stakeholders, the Sodexo Ethics application provides digital access to the Sodexo Code of conduct, key policies and statements, as well as interactive content and direct access to the Speak Up ethics line.


Sodexo has developed a program to ensure the respect of the commitments outlined in Sodexo’s Fundamental Rights at Work statement. This program is based on four pillars: raise awareness, policy and process implementation, training and specific mitigation actions.

100%  of workforce working in countries having the Sodexo statement of business integrity available in at least one official language.

100% of workforce working in countries having the group Fundamental Rights at Work statement available in at least one official language.

84% of employees declare to be comfortable to report unethical behavior (according to the survey Voice of Sodexo).