Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

2. Corporate responsibility at Sodexo

Reduce energy consumption on Sodexo sites and encourage the use of renewable energy on client sites

Sodexo strives to make its services less energy-intensive by adapting preparation methods and by training its teams. The aim is to have 100% of its site managers trained by 2027 and that all food offers include energy awareness. These actions have a direct impact on client emissions. Sodexo also works with clients to accelerate the use of renewable energy and implement optimal energy solutions. Such solutions have already shown a positive impact for clients such as “Asbury Senior Living”, where Sodexo has deployed a global approach including the management of the energy supply, the modernization of energy and hydraulic equipment and the monitoring of site consumption. The positive social, environmental and economic impacts of this approach have been praised by the client.

An ambition supported by innovation and data

Sodexo’s progress towards achieving its goal will be supported and measured by data. Each year, Sodexo will communicate its overall progress in relation to its emissions reduction targets and provide an update on the various measures in place.

A tool for assessing CSR performance on each site

The Site Engagement Assessment (SEA) tool, for assessing site CSR performance, enables site managers to rate their progress on corporate responsibility and put in place the measures needed to achieve their objectives. This is due in particular to a library of best practices and expert advice. SEA includes a specific module for calculating the carbon footprint of food services, making it easier to share the results with clients in order to develop joint environmental improvement plans. In 2023, 6,600 sites worldwide used SEA.

Traace, the carbon trajectory tool available in countries where the Group is present

To help on-site teams achieve their carbon emissions reduction targets, Sodexo is deploying a bespoke, low-carbon strategy analysis and planning solution. This solution, created in collaboration with Traace and tailored specifically to Sodexo’s needs, enables effective and insightful analysis of the carbon footprint of each entity and the development of a bespoke action plan to reduce it. The module allows employees to choose from a catalog of existing measures or create complex decarbonization projects and assess their impact before launching the program. With this solution, each Sodexo entity around the world can now independently build a roadmap aligned with its emissions reduction targets and the Group’s commitments.

Joining forces with all stakeholders to fight against food waste

Since 2019, WasteWatch, Sodexo’s food waste data collection and analysis program, has achieved an average waste reduction of -37.6% at the sites where it has been implemented. To further develop this initiative, Sodexo is extending its deployment to 85% of its food services sites (based on Row Material Cost), with the goal of reducing waste by -50% by 2025, thanks to the commitment of its teams around the world.

Being aware of the importance of engaging its teams in a fun way, Sodexo has launched the GOALympics in the United States. This competition gives employees the opportunity to share their innovation and creativity in the fight against food waste. Among the initiatives received and rewarded were a series of fun food recycling activities for the ECU Health Beaufort Hospital team in North Carolina and a waste sorting experience offered to guests by the Sodexo Live! team at the Ronald Reagan Museum in Simi Valley, California.