Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2023

3.1.3 Solid Group consolidated financial position

3.1 Group Fiscal year highlights

3.1.3 Solid Group consolidated financial position

3.1.3 Solid Group consolidated financial position

Group(1) Balance Sheet
(in million euros) AUGUST 31, 2023 AUGUST 31, 2022
Non-current assets

Non-current assets

AUGUST 31, 2023


Non-current assets

AUGUST 31, 2022


Current assets excluding cash

Current assets excluding cash

AUGUST 31, 2023


Current assets excluding cash

AUGUST 31, 2022


Restricted Cash Pluxee

Restricted Cash Pluxee

AUGUST 31, 2023


Restricted Cash Pluxee

AUGUST 31, 2022


Financial Assets Pluxee

Financial Assets Pluxee

AUGUST 31, 2023


Financial Assets Pluxee

AUGUST 31, 2022




AUGUST 31, 2023



AUGUST 31, 2022


Asset held for sale

Asset held for sale

AUGUST 31, 2023


Asset held for sale

AUGUST 31, 2022



AUGUST 31, 2023


AUGUST 31, 2022

(in million euros) AUGUST 31, 2023 AUGUST 31, 2022
Shareholders’ equity

Shareholders’ equity

AUGUST 31, 2023


Shareholders’ equity

AUGUST 31, 2022


Non-controlling interests

Non-controlling interests

AUGUST 31, 2023


Non-controlling interests

AUGUST 31, 2022


Non-current liabilities

Non-current liabilities

AUGUST 31, 2023


Non-current liabilities

AUGUST 31, 2022


Current liabilities

Current liabilities

AUGUST 31, 2023


Current liabilities

AUGUST 31, 2022




AUGUST 31, 2023



AUGUST 31, 2022




AUGUST 31, 2023



AUGUST 31, 2022


Gross borrowings 5,625 5,742
Net debt 1,075 1,268
Gearing ratio 23.6 % 28.7 %
Net debt ratio (Net debt/ EBITDA) Net debt ratio (Net debt/ EBITDA)

AUGUST 31, 2023

Net debt ratio (Net debt/ EBITDA)

AUGUST 31, 2022


Group Operating Cash (including Pluxee restricted cash and financial assets) totaled 4.6 billion euros as of August 31, 2023, of which 3.1 billion euros related to Pluxee, and 1.5 billion euros related to Sodexo. Group net debt was 1.1 billion euros at the end of Fiscal 2023, down compared to the previous year at 1.3 billion euros. As a result, gearing is at 24% and the net debt ratio is 0.7x(1).

(1) In order to present the balance sheet before classification of Pluxee as discontinued activities, the contribution of (i) Sodexo (continuing activity), presented in the consolidated financial information in 4.1.3, and (ii) Pluxee (discontinued activity) presented in Chapter 4, consolidated financial information note 3.2.1, have been added in each line of this table.

3.1.4 Continuous improvement in Corporate Social Responsibility

In Fiscal 2023, Sodexo’s solid financial performance was accompanied by continued progress on its sustainability commitments:

Record performance on safety of our People:

At the end of Fiscal 2023, Sodexo reached a record 0.55 Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR), representing a -15.4% reduction compared to Fiscal 2022. The severity of Lost time injuries also reached a record level reduction of -52% compared to the previous year.

82.5% Employee engagement confirming renewed confidence in Sodexo and its trajectory:

The engagement rate was up +4.2 points compared to 2021, exceeding the 2025 objective of 80%. For this 10th engagement survey, the participation rate reached an all time high of 70.3%, up +10.3 points compared to the 2021 survey, with 243,000 participants across the Group.

Increased share in renewable electricity in our direct operations:

Further progress has been achieved in the share of the Group’s direct electricity consumption that is renewable at 55%, well above the 40% target for the year and therefore facilitating the achievement of our target of 100% by 2025.

The year-on-year Scope 1, 2 and 3 reduction in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions was -5.4% in Fiscal 2023 while the reduction compared to 2017 was at -20.7%:

Sodexo emissions targets have been validated by the SBTi in 2019. Because our journey started early on and following the SBTi guidelines, Sodexo has rebased its emissions data since 2017. The effect of this rebaselining implies a significant reduction of the 2017 baseline numbers. As a result, at the end of Fiscal 2023, Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions are down -32.9% relative to the new 2017 baseline, on track to reach our reduction target of -34% in 2025. The -34% Scope 3 reduction target should be reached in Fiscal 2026. The current reduction trajectory is aligned with the SBTi recommended pathway for the 1.5°C trajectory.

3.1.5 Pluxee spin-off

The project to spin-off Pluxee has advanced significantly.

The listing is expected early 2024 on Euronext Paris, subject to approval of the listing prospectus by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten) and its passporting to the French Autorité des marchés financiers, the Euronext admission decision and market conditions.

Existing double voting rights of Sodexo shareholders will be maintained at Pluxee, which will be legally registered in the Netherlands allowing Bellon SA to continue playing a long-term controlling shareholder role in Pluxee. Tax residency will remain in France.

The proposed full spin-off will be put to a shareholder vote during a dedicated General Meeting to be held early 2024.

Pluxee plans to hold a Capital Markets Day shortly before the dedicated General Meeting to present its strategic plan and the next phase of value creation. The Fiscal 2024 and mid-term guidance will be provided on this occasion.

The spin-off will have no significant tax impact for Sodexo and its shareholders, at least in France and in the USA.

Pluxee will be allocated a portion of Sodexo’s current indebtedness for a total amount of 0.6 billion of euros and Pluxee proforma capital structure will be consistent with a strong Investment Grade credit rating.

The Board of Pluxee will be comprised of:

  • an Executive Chairman: Didier Michaud-Daniel;
  • 4 Bellon family Board members;
  • 5 Independent Board members.