The Group’s human resources priorities are:
In this context, the main human resources policies are focused on: the profile of a Sodexo leader and senior manager, succession planning for senior managers, senior managers’ training and skills enhancement, employee engagement, and compensation.
Annual tracking of improvement metrics by the Sodexo Leadership Team and Board of Directors serves to validate action plans aimed at advancing these policies. These metrics include employee Net Promoter Score, employee engagement rate, employee retention, employee absenteeism, internal promotion, and the representation of women in senior management.
Sodexo’s priority is to ensure that suppliers and subcontractors that deliver Sodexo products and services have the right skills, capabilities and potential to carry out the tasks assigned to them.
Risk management guidelines set out the procurement procedures that teams are required to follow in terms of working with and managing suppliers and subcontractors. The level of the initial evaluation and the management procedures for suppliers and sub-contractors directly depend on the product supplied or service rendered. It includes verifying issues such as food safety and traceability, certification to conduct work, particularly in Facilities Management, along with financial due diligence checks.
In line with the procurement policy, suppliers and subcontractors must sign the Sodexo Supplier Code of conduct which sets out Sodexo’s requirements for adopting responsible best practices concerning ethical, social and environmental issues.
Since its creation in 1966, Sodexo’s purpose to improve the quality of life of our employees and those we serve, and contribute to the economic, social and environmental progress in the communities where we operate. We have formalized this commitment in our Corporate Responsibility roadmap, Better Tomorrow 2025, outlined in Chapter 2.
Better Tomorrow 2025 is underpinned by a number of policies and commitments. These include:
The Group Information and System Security Principles and the Group Information and Systems Security Policy, defined by the Tech, Data and Digital function, set out the standard rules and principles that must be applied to consistently and efficiently secure the protection of information and systems at Sodexo. These two documents are backed up by detailed directives and guidelines.
Sodexo’s Global Data Protection Policy describes how Sodexo entities collect, use, store, share, delete or otherwise process personal data and how data subjects can exercise their rights. This policy applies to the global organization of Sodexo entities. It applies to the processing of personal data collected by Sodexo, directly or indirectly, from all individuals including, but not limited to Sodexo’s job applicants, our employees, clients, consumers, suppliers or subcontractors, our shareholders or any third parties (for further details of the compliance program relating to GDPR and other data protection laws, please refer to section 7.3.2).
The internal audit policy outlines internal audit activities which include reviewing and assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of governance, risk management and internal control systems and processes. This includes assessing:
The Internal Audit team is also responsible for alerting the Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer, the Audit Committee and the Sodexo Leadership Team to any material risks and informing them of the causes of identified weaknesses.
The Internal Audit team has defined several procedures, primarily covering the identification of Internal Audit priorities for the coming fiscal year, the planning and execution of internal audits, the drafting of internal audit reports and the follow up of action plans to implement the team’s recommendations.
A series of internal audit performance indicators has been developed. These include such issues as the follow-up of internal audit recommendations that have been implemented, the average time required to issue internal audit reports, the annual audit plan completion rate, internal auditor rotation rates, the satisfaction rate among audited units.