Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2024


8.2.5 The Shareholders Club

Sodexo launched its Shareholders Club in October 2019. This club aims to strengthen the personal link between the Company and its individual shareholders, and provide a direct flow of information on Sodexo and its services and a dedicated forum for discussion.

We held a Shareholders’ Club event on July 5, 2024 at the Group's headquarters in Issy-les-Moulineaux. The subject of the conference was Innovation and trends in the French hospital market. It was led by a member of Sodexo France Leadership Team.

The participants appreciated the insight on our activities, our commitment to sustainability, and the Group’s strategic adaptation to the challenges in the hospital sector. The Shareholders Club wishes to organize such informational meetings in the future.

To become a member, you simply fill out the form available on www.sodexo.com, in the shareholders section.