Universal Registration Document - Fiscal 2024


An ambitious and global project facing the climate emergency

Choosing responsible growth means acting daily to serve clients and consumers, in a way that is safer, healthier and more respectful of the environment.

Since the creation of Sodexo, corporate responsibility has been central to its approach and mission. Pioneer in terms of sustainability, Sodexo is the first food services company to commit to reaching Net Zero by 2040 globally (scopes 1, 2 and 3), confirming its leadership in its sector when it comes to fighting climate change.

In line with its ambition, Sodexo is going even further by committing to a gradual and profound transformation of its activities and by mobilizing its entire ecosystem around four drivers: sustainable supply chain, low-carbon meals, responsible use of energy and the fight against food waste.

“The ongoing actions and efforts of our teams are accelerating the transition to more sustainable food across the world, reducing our emissions and supporting our clients’ carbon trajectories. This endeavor requires a long-term vision. It changes our perspective: it is about deciding to act and implement the benefits of more sustainable food by drawing inspiration from new flavors and new practices. By acting now, we lay the foundations for a more desirable future, which is motivating for everyone.”
Anna Notarianni, Group Chief Impact Officer

Our four levers to reduce carbon emissions:


The Group is promoting local and sustainable farming practices and supporting its suppliers’ efforts to reduce their carbon emissions, in particular by setting up a global deforestation- and conversion-free supply chain by 2030 and continuing to give priority to the development of local sourcing and short supply chains.


Sodexo has developed a definition of a “low-carbon” meal, as one whose production generates 0.9kg CO2e or less. Drawing on the passion and expertise of its teams, Sodexo is designing new recipes to ensure that 70% of its main dishes can be labelled “low-carbon” by 2030.


Sodexo’s efforts to reduce emissions generated by its operations have a direct impact on its clients’ emissions. Sodexo supports them in optimizing on-site energy use through less energyintensive preparation methods and training on-site teams on these issues by 2027. The Group is also committed to achieving 100% renewable electricity in its direct operations by 2025.


To reduce food waste, Sodexo is intensifying its efforts by expanding the deployment of its WasteWatch program to 85% of its food service sites by 2025 and, to mobilize international institutions, governments and businesses more widely, by maintaining its involvement as a founding member of the International Food Waste Coalition (IFWC) and as a member of the Champions 12.3 coalition.