Loyalty, respect for people, transparency and integrity: Sodexo’s ethical principles must be known and understood by all employees, who are expected to act in accordance with them. Sodexo's three founding values (service spirit, team spirit, spirit of progress) drive its commitments in terms of ethics, integrity and respect for Human Rights.
At a global level, four priorities have been defined to guide its ethical actions:
Prevent breaches of Sodexo ethical principles through individual or collective awareness-raising actions for employees that integrate lessons learned and evolution of risks.
Encourage and protect employees and third parties raising concerns, in particular by promoting the Speak Up ethics line. Examine each report and take any relevant remedial actions (to know more, page 254).
Ensure a workplace that is respectful of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights at Work, promote a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion, and thereby contribute to the engagement of Sodexo employees.
Measure the progress of the ethical culture of the company and be recognized by its employees and stakeholders, notably in the employee engagement survey (Voice) and in external indices and certifications.
Code of Conduct
The 3rd edition of Sodexo’s Code of Conduct establishes the standards expected from all employees. Accessible in more than 30 languages the Code regularly reviewed and can be consulted on sodexo.com or through Sodexo Ethics App.
100%of workforce working in countries having the Sodexo Code of Conduct available in at least one official language.
The training programs on Responsible Business Conduct are meticulously crafted and offered on various topics, including sexual harassment prevention, data protection, anti-corruption, and preventing conflicts of interest.
98%of connected employees have been trained on Responsible Business Conduct.
Conflict of Interest Prevent
The Ethics Zone portal allows employees to disclose any potential conflict of interest. Thanks to the implementation of this digital tool, significant progress has been made in terms of transparency and proactive management of conflicts of interest. Ethics Zone facilitates their review and management.
18,542employees have completed a preventive conflict of interest questionnaire.
Ethical culture survey
As part of Sodexo’s commitment to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism and continued efforts to apply those standards each day in our business, 10,000 employees were invited to participate in an Ethical Culture Survey. The objective of this survey was to assess the effectiveness of preventive actions, while promoting continuous improvement.
92%of surveyed employees find the ethical tools and training clear and understandable.