The procedures performed in a basis for our limited assurance conclusion review are less in extent than for a reasonable assurance opinion in accordance with the professional guidelines of the French National Institute of Statutory Auditors (Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes) ; a higher level of assurance would have required us to carry out more extensive procedures.
With regard to the Entity's Indicators, we carried out work of the same nature as that described in the section ‘Nature and scope of the work on the Declaration and Information’ for the key performance indicators and other quantitative results that we considered to be the most important, but in greater depth, particularly with regard to the scope of the tests.
The sample selected thus represents between 44% and 51% of the Indicators.
We believe that this work allows us to express an opinion of reasonable assurance on the Indicators.
Paris la Défense, 23rd October 2024
French original signed by:
Independent third party
EY & Associés
Laurence Leguay
Partner, Sustainable Development